Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The things I do for my maths teacher

I don't want to stop writing. I know I've written a shitload for one day (and I haven't done any substantial work), but my mood is too foul for anything else. I think I mentioned telling you about the things I did (and still do) for my maths teacher. Here goes.

So, starting with a little bit about my maths teacher. He is legitimately my most favorite person in the world (no matter how many times I say that, I cannot say it enough). His very presence is like an instant dose of happiness. I can't even properly explain how. He is just... magical. My friends and I often joke about him being a wizard, because when he teaches maths he just uses this hax method nobody has ever heard of and solves the problem. Nobody will have any idea what just happened, so he explains, but even after I understand the process it stills seems like wizardry.

He is also the biggest troll ever.

When a wizard recommend that you do something, you do not simply ignore it. Except his recommendations are kinda... quirky. Not bad, it's just the sort of thing you'd say if you were off with the fairies. But he is a wizard, so I guess it makes sense. His most memorable recommendations, which I followed:

1. Get up at 4-5am to do maths. Sleep early, at like 9pm, then do a solid 3-4 hours of maths, and afterwards you'll realise that "the day is still young".
2. Go out in the sun and plaaaaaay~! Enjoy the sunshine~!
3. *It's raining outside* Go out onto the oval for a walk~! So I remind him that it's raining, and he offers me the umbrella in the maths staff room.
4. Go take a walk up a mountain! (I did that: Mountain Climbing Without Hammy)
5. Go dine in a cafe in some bogan town~! (Okay, he didn't actually say "bogan town", but that's what it was. The cafe wasn't bad though. Glad I went)
6. Go easy on yourself~! Relax~!

...There must've been more, but I can't quite recall. He is soooo indulgent. Relax? In college? But I did take his advice, and I'm a happier person because of it. Being tense just makes my unstable temper shift towards the shitty side. He told me to give up on IB (this diploma thing I was studying for), because he saw that it made me unhappy. When the entire world was pushing me to finish, because I've "come so far" and "done so much", he was the only one who saw behind all that, and saw me. And I was undoubtedly miserable. No one else, not even my parents, could do the same (but of course my parents couldn't do the same, they don't know shit about me).

And every moment of happiness in my college life thereafter, I know I owe it to him (this is the cheesiest thing ever).

No, don't look at me. Nyaaaaa.

Therefore it is quite natural that I follow through with his words, no matter how... insane or absolutely fanatical they seem at the time. And honestly, I don't think I've ever regretted it, once.

Now I'm smiling. Happiness comes with happy thoughts, it seems.

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