Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Tired, Restless, Somewhat Excited

I'm feeling just a little bit hyper right now. Probably because I ate too much food for dinner, then decided that playing LoL would help with my digestion. I'm getting that feeling I usually get when it's 4am and I'm forcing myself to stay awake for an assignment. Today would've been a pretty shitty day, if it wasn't for me coming home and throwing my soul at LoL. Oh God I should start on my work soon. This is so bad.

Anyway, I got my first assignment back, and holy shit was I bad. I can't remember the last time I got a 70% for an assignment. Anyhow, I guess I don't actually care enough to try any harder. Surely 70% is a pass. And what can I expect, when all I do is sleep and play games, and panic-study when the test comes around.

I'm getting that feeling again, where I'm so utterly sick of going to school. I kept myself going for college, because I saw an end to it--- it was going to be there, in the not-so-distant future. And then I somehow landed myself in a five year degree that's like the hardest thing you could ever do, and I sorta just want to hide under a rock and pretend I never existed.

There's so much pressure for me to do well, especially now that I'm paying about 10k a year to study. Well, I'm not actually paying it, it's all going into a massive loan which I'll return veeeery slowly. Sometimes I just wish a money tree would sprout at my feet- with golden branches and 100 dollar bills for leaves. That'd be great. Except it'd be really hard to harvest the gold from the branches. Oh well.

So I'm thinking I'll start making a list, and add to it slowly. "Things I want in life", it shall be called. And I'll add more and more to it as I think of stuff.

On a completely unrelated note, I attended a particular professor's lecture for the first time ever, because it seems I have just happened to miss his 2 previous ones. I had seen his lecture notes before, and it seemed like a boring kind of thing--- until I went to his lecture--- and it was still boring, in its own right, but gawd the lecturer is so cute.

...Well, I thought I'd share.

1 comment:

  1. Dear god, dont get too addicted to LoL :P I play it a buttload as well
