Friday, 12 April 2013

Small Victories

1.30am, blogging again. Yeah, I got my assignment in. Of course I did. Who do you think I am? Not handing an assignment on time isn't me. I guess I haven't changed... submitting my assignment only one hour before it is too late. Hah, only because I can now submit my assignments online. I wish I could now jump into celebratory mode- but no, it's late and I'm tired. I don't know why I'm writing, even at this hour. I guess I wanted to share with someone my accomplishments. THERE. Everything does turn out alright, always.

I've panicked, I've freaked, and now I'm at the stage where I hardly feel anything at all. Effect on outcome? Not much. Everything is still left to the absolute last moment, and I always manage to get it in on time. Now it's done. Completed. Off my mind. I hardly have any recollection regarding how I got everything done. I suppose this will be one of the assignments where I look back and think, "huh, I don't remember doing an assignment".

I just wish time would pass faster still. Though when I think about it now, time has already flown past. Every day is so packed, I'm just running myself mad from the little mundane things I have to do. Still not fast enough. I want to go to that time, where I have a basic knowledge and understanding of what I need to do. When I've firmly established and consolidated my purpose in life, and where I feel competent and confident about who I am and what I'm doing.

Though I suppose we must all be content with our small victories at the start.

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