Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Life is Tragic

So today I had school; weather was lovely--- and by lovely I mean I walked to school in black pants and a black shirt without getting drenched in my own sweat. It was suuuch a sweet feeling, you have no idea. Class was good: for once I came prepared and did most of my work, so when discussion ensued I actually knew what we were talking about. Then I went out for practical work and established that I was actually okay at most things.

Anyway, I get driven home in the car of one of my new friends (I now consider myself to have four new "friends", and at least another 4 on decent speaking terms), and it's all fine and dandy. A long day has passed, and I have one assignment left and I don't need to freak the fuck out. I go to the backyard to take in the washing which I left out since yesterday morning (because it rained yesterday afternoon so I just left it hanging), and then I realise my clothes are kind of gross (even though it's dry) and should probably be re-washed.

As I take each item of clothing down, I noticed something--- my underwear was covered in bird shit. I mean, of allllll fucking things, my underwear got shat on. COME ON. Even I don't shit in my own underwear, and a bird does? Like, what the fuuuuck?

And the most tragic thing is, my initial reaction was "I wonder if I can contract avian influenza from this"

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