After the public holiday on Thursday- which felt like Sunday- today felt like Monday. I woke up early morning prepared to go to school, and I dragged my body all the way over there and almost crashed during tutorial. I realised just then, as I cooked myself lunch, that I haven't eaten properly in ages. I don't think I ate lunch the day I had my test- but I do remember dinner tasting weird. Then the day after I still didn't eat lunch (maybe I had noodles for dinner?) and yesterday I slept til 2pm, ate cereal and didn't eat anything until I woke up this morning. I did vaguely recall taking a break at around 7pm--- and I could've made myself something to eat, but for some reason I wasn't hungry.
So I resorted to playing LoL until I had to go to bed.
The one productive thing I did all day was drawing this picture, which was originally going to be my study of the bones of the hand--- and then it just turned into this creepy thing of someone admiring their skeletal hand. I think it looks really cool though. I'm supposed to remember the names of all these bones- and there are 8 carpal ones (wrist bones) which are tiny but they all have different names to spite me. I can only remember "pisiform" and "hamate" because it reminds me of "piss" and "mating". I find it hard to imagine a situation where I, personally, would find use for the names of the 8 carpal bones--- I guess I could show off in trivia if someone said "list the 8 carpal bones", but no good trivia event would ask something so ridiculous.
And that leads me onto the WhatAmIEvenDoingWithMyLife thing again.
Oh but never mind- it's not Monday, it's Friday! I've got a movie night planned with my new friends, and I think I better enjoy myself.
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