Saturday, 7 July 2012


Now I'm taking pains to fill in the paper work to vote at the next election. I'd rather not vote if I could. I'm quite certain my attitude would disgust a substantial amount of people- whilst other countries are struggling for a democratic government, I decide I'd rather not vote. Classic first world problem. Well, paperwork is always a pain, and I'd hate to have to drive out to where ever just to place a vote into the ballot box. Thought they say every vote counts- it all matters- I am quite sure mine will be meaningless due to my utter ignorance of politics. I can name the prime minister and the opposition leader- and very few others. 

However, those are not the names which appear on the ballot paper- and I have little knowledge or concern for the local representatives. Now that I think about it- I will most likely rank my vote in terms of attractiveness, if pictures are shown. If not, it will be in order of a visually and phonetically pleasing name.

Oh, I can imagine the fury the above statements will attract- but they are perfectly honest. In my opinion, I am much better than those who pretend they know about politics and economics and talk about such things all day without ever having read or thought about it. Regurgitating information from the media about how the carbon tax fucked us all and how the government is screwing us over isn't considered political knowledge, right? I bet half the people who go on and on about the carbon tax doesn't even understand how "tax" works. It is even likely that my attitude corresponds to that of the majority- who cares, when you're living in the centre of the first world? We are so complacent, after all.

Then there are the politicians- would  they rank national welfare above self-interest? Everyone thinks they could- but if there is anything I learnt from my study of morality, it's that saying what you would do and actually doing it are two completely different things. I tell myself that I would try to save a complete stranger in event of danger, but if such circumstances were to occur, I would secure my own safety, then those who I care about. Placing a stranger's life in front of my own is something of a fantasy to me.

...I digress. The point is, I am thinking too hard about the flaws of a democratic system. Not that I have no appreciation for equality... I do like how the way this country is run- and I suppose this is the best way to go about it. So being the good legal adult I am, I'm going to finish filling my paper work and cast my vote at the next election.

...As an after thought: if the entire world consisted of people like myself- I guess the political leader of every country would be a K-Pop star or an Asian drama actor. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

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