Thursday, 26 July 2012


Aw I can breathe again. That stupid psych oral is finally gone. I'm glad it was just one of those things where excessive preparation was unnecessary, and I was just able to sorta like... bullshit my way through my presentation. The rubric said 10-15min, but since I was the only presentation in a 1hr lesson I talked on and on and on and... This is what happens when you right shitty speech notes and you don't follow it. I expanded on the points I had but I didn't know where to stop, so when I had run out of things to explain I gave up.

So I was all like, "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK" at this time yesterday. I was so overwhelmed by failing UMAT and how I had to make up a 10-15min presentation (which also required a fuckload of research) in one night.

...Then I got up to do my presentation- and hey, it wasn't that bad. I said I was afraid of embarrassing myself- but I haven't since high school. Like, I wasn't spectacular every presentation I did, but for my worst one (in Economics last year) I wasn't even the worst in the class. My psych class was surprisingly cooperative, they answered all my questions and they seemed genuinely interested.

Then I thought: huh, too bad I failed my major prac and I'm going to fail my end-of-unit test (missed roughly a term of psych class work, because I didn't feel like paying attention). I had expected a C for my psych major prac, because I did it all in one night, did not hand in a draft and oh lord my memories of that were not pleasant. I finished my experiment like... a couple of days before the write-up? And the write-up was started a couple of days before it was due... I wonder how I got the research done for that. Ergh. So anyway if you haven't guessed I got my prac back and it was like BAM 86.5 (which is an A, albeit a low one). How Asian of me (well not really, 86.5 is fail by Asian standards). Still, I've never been so pleased with a mark... which is strange, because 86.5 isn't even that high. It was probably because I had actually expected to fail, instead of saying "I'M GOING TO FAIL THIS SO BAD"  and secretly expecting a 90+.

...Let's just say my psych teacher became a whole lot more attractive, easy-going and humorous in my eyes after that incident. I love how my marks change what I think about my teacher.

If only these pleasant surprises occurred more often in life.

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