Thursday, 26 July 2012

I finally noticed

Hey, I passed my 100th post! Well, I was on my 100th post like, two posts ago, but still. And holy shit my blog has 32XX views. Woah. I swear the rate at which my view count has been increasing has not dropped since I made a change somewhere and told it to stop counting views from myself. I'm secretly pleased (because I feel like a celebrity) but then I'm like, "huh, I'm basically spilling details of my private life to the internet. This shit's gonna be up here for like... forever man. Oh gawd."

Let's hope my parents never find this. And my teachers. And everyone else I talked shit about.

Not that there's anything too private about my private life, anyway. If I recall correctly most of my posts concern me bitching about everyone and everything around me, and a majority of those probably concern how I don't get along with my parents. Eh, tough life. At least my parents provide me with a heater in winter (although they decide to economize by never turning it on). Oh the pains of having to turn on the heater yourself, and then getting yelled at for wasting energy when it's "not even that cold". Well sometimes they have a point, it's never that cold inside the house, but I hate wearing more than 3 layers. Even when I wear 3 layers I feel like it's too much. 2 layers is the best, a t-shirt and a light jumper. Though wearing a t-shirt isn't the smartest thing to do when you're freezing your ass off.

I want summer, and I want summer now. Why do I have another chemistry major prac next week? I did so badly in my test already, anyway. Why does my English creative need to be handed in by Monday?

O Romeo life, Romeo life, wherefore art thou Romeo so difficult?

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