Saturday, 4 May 2013


Things haven't been going that well recently: I've just been excessively lazy about everything ever, and I waste all my free time sleeping or playing around with my computer even though my internet is still capped. It turns out that even if you give me dial-up speed, everything is still fine, because apparently I can still do whatever it is I usually do, minus YouTube.

Anyway, I've been slowly deteriorating in terms of Japanese, because I don't understand grammar and I can't remember all the grammar rules as I speak. I'm still desperately trying to learn mountains of vocab, and because I haven't been to a single class in like 8 weeks I'm kinda just... falling behind. Well it's not really like I'm falling behind in terms of what's dictated on the course outline, more so because they do these extra grammatical exercises in class which I haven't had time to do because I was too busy preparing for tutorials or whatever.

Japanese aside, I'm supposed to be catching up on all this work (which I haven't done) and learning the ins and outs of the female reproductive system (heh, get it?). Even though I'm cracking bad jokes about it, the subject is not nearly as fun as you would imagine. After staring at the diagram for too long, trying to figure out the difference between a vestibule and an orifice, I realised what a grotesque thing I am staring at, and I'm just thinking to myself: "porn will never be the same ever again". Sometimes I wonder if sex is just a lot less exciting for anatomists- I mean, the reason we all giggle about genitalia is because they're usually not-exposed, right? But imagine if you had to sit down, with a textbook on each side of you, trying to remember the name and location of every single fold and crevice of the female genitalia. Like, that's what I'm doing. Just sitting here, blankly staring at this picture drawn in great detail- labelled and everything. I mean, I'd attach it but then half of you will probably flinch back and go "OH WHAT THE HELL" whilst blocking your eyes with widespread fingers.

Yeah, I know you too well.

So I'm not sure how to feel about a lot of what I'm doing. Sometimes I think I'm having a bit of fun and it's not so bad, other times I regret everything I've ever done in life, and then there are times where I just wish I was a plant. PHO-TO-SYN-THE-SIS~!

You know the joys of life are slowly diminishing when you no longer find images of genitalia amusing. Remembering back to the good ol' days, when my friends found great amusement in drawing penises in the pages of my exercise books--- all I can think of now is how it was anatomically incorrect...

God I hate myself sometimes.

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