Thursday, 28 February 2013


Leaving home has become a near-reality, and I've started packing. It's quite horrid realizing how there's so much to take and so much to leave. The task itself is almost as tiring as cleaning my room... I've never realized that I've had so many clothes--- but then again when I look at it, half of it is hand-me-down and the other is at least 3 years old. I just hardly have anything new.

Clothing aside, I have ONE cardboard box of personal belongings. It's strange because I thought I'd have a lot more, but hey, apparently not. I AM leaving most of my mini-library behind though, so maybe that's why. I swear one day I'm going to buy this gigantic house, and I'll have this room with massive glass cabinets full of my books on either side. I want an entire classic literature collection... and I want hard cover copies...

Ah, I'll get there one day.

Getting out of this place HAS to be one of the best things that's happened to me, ever. Sure I'm ditching my entire family and friends and whatever, but I can always keep in contact with my friends, and I'll be forced back home for the summer holidays anyway... I'll probably go through one of those phases where I'm like, "aww, now that I think back, my parents weren't so bad anyway" or "I kind of miss being home", and then I swear when I get back I'm going to be like, "ah right, this is why I wanted to get the fuck out in the first place!"

The only thing I'm NOT looking forward to is the fact that I have to go to school again. Studying is such a pain... but ehh, I chose the course, so it should be fine.

Hooray for a bright and happy future.

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