Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Back to Gaming

I finished my first 3DS game, Kingdom Hearts. I must say it was heavily overrated. The combat and visuals were good, but the story was just so much wtf, and it quickly became too repetitive. The boss fights were fun though. I don't know, it just didn't give me the right... feel. I didn't feel as if I were living the game, and I guess that's my main criteria to classify a game as "good".The game was just too "deep" while being too childish, and it just utterly confused me.

Luckily another 3DS game I ordered ages ago, Tales of the Abyss, came in the mail on Monday morning. Needless to say, I was thrilled, because my favorite game ever is a Tales game. I've been playing it since then, and I'm having a bit of fun. I still haven't mastered the combat system, but I've been arrogant enough to use manual control, and it's fun enough.

I wish I could play games uninterrupted, for as long as I wanted.

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