Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Leaving the Toilet Seat Down

Something I've never understood--- women getting angry at men leaving the toilet seat up. Apparently it's "annoying" and "disrespectful", because it's saying that the man shows no concern for the woman's needs... but dude, I really don't get it. Isn't it just like, an overreaction where you're constantly suspicious that the other party is looking down on you?

I've heard some lady complain, "it's just 2 seconds of effort, put the seat back down after you piss!" But the only thing I thought was, "if it's just 2 seconds worth of effort, why don't you do it yourself when you need to go?" I don't know, I'm not saying she's a bad person for saying that, but I just don't see it as a big deal. I mean, if we're going to be so pedantically stuck up about gender equality, why shouldn't the man be able to leave the goddamn toilet seat up when he needs to go? Can't he demand that the woman lift the seat up after she uses the bathroom to convenience him?

Now some smartass has worked out that men need the toilet seat down when they're taking a dump, so given that there is a man and a woman in the household, it would make more sense to have the toilet seat permanently down, and the guy can just live with sitting down to pee instead--- but I'm like, "is there even a point to being a man if you can't pee standing up?"

After two years of studying the topic of gender oppression--- or more specifically, female oppression, I guess I still haven't worked out my stance on the issue. Sure I can analyse the situation and spit out an essay on it, but I haven't quite consolidated my personal beliefs. When it comes down to it, I guess I don't believe in gender equality?

Wait wait no, don't hit me with a shit-storm. It doesn't mean what it sounds like. I'm not against women being educated and being given the same wages, being given the same opportunities etc--- but I see that more as equity as opposed to equality? Equality, as I understand, is something being exactly the same. So it confuses me: how can men and women be treated equally when they were never equal to begin with? Not that one is more superior than the other--- but they're just not the same thing. It's like, a can of soda and a bowl of herbal medicine--- they're both sweet, except the medicine tastes shit anyway.

...I'm really bad at making analogies, aren't I?

Anyway, I'm totally sick of the topic of gender equality. Yes, we should stop calling women whores for sleeping with different men, but that's because we should try to be polite. No matter how you look at it, having multiple sexual partners is bad for long-term relationships and sexual health. Saying "oh but men get to sleep around why should women be condemned" sounds so childish.

Now that this post has completely strayed, I'll go back to what I was originally thinking when I wrote this. The moral of my rant today is: STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE GODDAMN TOILET SEAT.

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