Friday, 4 January 2013

D. Gray-Man

I guess I'm getting slack with my blogging. Not that there isn't much to talk about, but I guess I've just forgotten to write. I've been on a D. Gray-Man (DGM) anime marathon. No, I still haven't finished, it's got something like 103 episodes. I'm in love with the protagonist, Allen Walker. No, seriously. He is fucking awesome.

What I like about DGM is that every arc leaves me in an emotional wreck. It's one of those shows that makes you connect with the antagonists, so it's not just a one-side view. The antagonists aren't pure-evil--- they show feelings and emotions and valued characteristics--- then when you start to like them, the anime takes a turn and you're reminded why they're the bad guys. The anime pulls the same emotional strings every time, but I fall for it every time.

Despite all this, it still falls behind Code Geass in terms of my favorite anime. Maybe only because I watched Code Geass first, but it left an imprint so strong that it held first place in my heart, and has since stubbornly refused to slide down. Or maybe it was because the finale scarred me too badly and made my heart wrench every replay.

Ah, but this is meant to be about DGM. For the first time in ages the protagonist is my favorite character--- most other animes I like the side-characters better, and eventually the side characters get killed off, so I stop watching. There always seems to be a thing though, where my favorite character DIES. Just flat out DIES. You know how sometimes characters die then come back later (like Gandalf or something) and then you're like oh holy fucking shit this is so exciting---- well, my characters don't come back. They actually do just die. And don't get resurrected. Sometimes it almost feels as if they're going to return, but then you get on with the story and at some point you realize the author probably forgot to revive them.

I don't have to worry about that this time, of course. Even if the protagonist dies, he'll only die at the end of the series (otherwise it wouldn't make any sense, right?) I'd be so mad if they killed off the protagonist and then just made some other character carry on his legacy.

Well, if you find yourself with any spare time (rare these days, I know) then perhaps you'd like to watch some DGM. It really is awesome.

Watch it for Allen, just because he's such a badass. 

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