I slept most of the morning away, as you do, and then I got up, did some cleaning, and went over to my friend's place. The internet at "home" capped and I was getting bored. Initially the wireless set up at his house didn't work, but he managed to queue up for a game of LoL, so I spent 40min watching him lose a game before we figured out how to connect my laptop to the wireless in his house. Then I proceeded to watch an hour of Korean drama, before battling him in Pokemon. I was pwning his arse with my Xerneas, because that Pokemon is broken as hell--- then he brought out the "no legendaries" rule and I suffered defeat. As it turns out I completed the game with 2 pokemon- my Charizard and that broken-as-hell Xerneas. Without the Xerneas my Charizard couldn't really stand to fight anything, so yeah I lost and that was sad.
I kinda wandered home at 6pm because I decided not to stay at my friend's house for dinner. Not that he even had dinner- because his aunt brought him some pastry-bread thing wrapped in plastic and a can of soft drink. It's what I consider a snack... not dinner. I figure that's the reason he weighs like 40kg, and complains that he can't build muscle. I vaguely thought about the lack of protein, vitamins and fibres in his meal, then realized I didn't want to be thinking about shit like this when my results are getting released in like 2 days.
Of course coming "home" was a disaster, and I should've just dragged my friend out and ate in town. Dinner was okay- and by that I mean the food was okay, but the company was just plain terrible. I kinda retreated into a corner with my laptop, but no one wanted to leave me alone, and after much harassment I am now feeling legit terrible and a little sad. I thought I'd be angry, but now I'm just feeling sad. It's like I don't even have the energy to feel angry... it's way too much effort.
So today has been a shitty day. I feel like I've gotten nothing done (probably because I haven't read a page in the books I was supposed to read), and playing games no longer give me a sense of achievement. Life feels so monotonous when I'm not working... Not that I like work that much, anyway...
It's ok though, because it's technically "tomorrow" already. If my day was absolute crap, it can only get better. I'll just go to sleep and feel better.
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