Monday, 9 December 2013

One of Those Days

So I'm currently on break from work, and man it's been a harsh day. First I woke up 3 times this morning, at 7, 8 and finally 9, and I feel that I slept terribly. I didn't really want to eat anything, but I ate breakfast anyway, and my guts decided to complain about that for the next hour while I tried getting to work.

Then I get to work, and I get this asshole customer who decides to rant at me about his shitty life. From his expression I felt as if I had done him some great injustice, but really I had fucking nothing to do with it. Still I put up with him because he looked kind of attractive, even when extremely pissed, and I kinda just stood there admiring while he repeated, "I know it's not your fault, but I've just had enough with this business". And I'm just thinking to myself, "I get shit like this and I say I wanna be a psychiatrist".

Anyway the kind-of-attractive-asshole pissed off, and I had to call him back later. He was a lot nicer on the phone than he was in person, and he sounded kind of cute, since he wasn't mad. All I can think of now is how terrible my taste is.

Anyway, I'm on break and I bought some food. I decided to not go for sushi, because it's past lunch time and the food wouldn't be very fresh. Except the Mongolian beef I ordered tastes like lamb, and it has capsicum which I do not eat. It also tastes extremely oily, so I think I will go back to eating sushi next shift. It's more expensive, but sushi which isn't fresh is still better than Mongolian beef which tastes like lamb.

Today is just one of those days.

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