Saturday, 14 December 2013

My Legs Hurt

So after spending 8ish hours standing at work, I'm now sitting on that $6000 sofa nobody uses and blogging on my iPad. It's funny how I feel like such a plebian at work but right now I feel like some super-rich hipster. If only I could be this leisurely all the time.

Work was good, as usual, but super-boring. Retail is like...okay, but some people are just.. terrible. Not even terrible as in stupid, but terrible as in stubbornly unreasonable, which is a kind of stupid in its own right, I guess. I don't even know what I'm trying to say, but at work my colleague said to me, "I don't think you should work here if you want to be a doctor; I mean, after today, how many people do you actually want to save?" I thought it's funny how he'd said that, because whenever I was presented with the moral dilemma of having some rapist/serial killer in the emergency room I'd always said I'd save them and then let the legal system deal with it- but right now I wonder whether I'd change my response to "I'd save them but I might leave out the anaesthesia."

I'm feeling a lot better right now compared to yesterday- I'm afraid it's turning into one of those things where I'd rather be at work than be at "home". I mean, at least I get paid to suffer at work- and work isn't even that bad. I kinda like working there. I'm planning on going out one evening and just drinking a lot of alcohol, but I know that even when I say I'll drink "a lot" it'll be like 2 standard drinks over 4 hours. I figure I'm really not much of an alcohol person- which is a good thing, but I don't really know what else I can do when I'm feeling steadily unhappy.

I need to move out again.

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