Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Work vs Leisure trade-off

I'm bored. Again. There are so many things around to alleviate my boredom, but anything other than work makes me feel guilty at this stage. Work, however, is as boring as ever. Statistics is perhaps one of the biggest turn-offs of actuarial studies. Looks like my choice of uni courses is diminishing. I can almost see my future...
"Woah, you have a double degree in English and philosophy? That's so cool, man! Oh and I'll have coke and a large fries with my quarter pounder, thanks. "

Everybody's dream job, obv.

Following my parents' line of logic: if I study at home I'll do better in my exams, then my grades will go up, then I'll get a higher university entrance score, and get into a "good course" (whatever the fuck that means) in uni. Once I have my degree I'll be able to find a good job (again, undefined) and make lots of money, which obviously equates to success and happiness. Following the rule of transitivity, if I study now I'll be successful and happy. Being able to find the area under a curve somehow fits into the grand scheme of things, and is crucial to me living a fulfilling life.

Why is this world so twisted?

Me in the very near future.


  1. Vane! I <3 your first world problems, they r HILARIOUS!!
    although, i can say a bit about teh explicity of this.. but !!! They r Epic problems.!!!
