Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The Return of the King

Well, I could be self-titled king. Anyway, I'm back! From camp, as I have previously mentioned. It was almost as bad as I expected, and at the same time it was far better than I expected! Yeah yeah the accommodation wasn't a fancy 5-star hotel, but camping near bogan-town wasn't as bad as I thought. It seems the only inhabitants were kangaroos, and they were pretty cute. Eh, what else can I say... BEST CAMP OF MY LIFE.

We sung on the bus, and we DID go to a cave. It was actually a lot more exciting than it sounds. Nature's not so bad, sometimes (with promise of return to a steel-framed city).

Was a rather pretty cave- no Zubats.

Hm, not much to say about the ACTUAL camp, because you know, I totally respect peoples' privacy and stuff. *snrk* I was loud and obnoxious as usual, but I'm pretty sure people loved it. I was up at like 2am, showering, and then I woke up at 6am because my friend was snoring. Won-der-ful. The morning air was nice though, and if you shouted out your voice echoed.

Okay, I better stop myself before I give everything away. I'll leave it up to you guys to guess what I shouted when I realised my voice echoed.

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