Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Life Actually Got Worse

I haven't blogged in a bit, and I come back to find my last post ironically titled "Life COULD be worse". And hey, guess what, it actually got worse.

After that massive falling out with my room mate we've actually been trying to make amends- at least I've been doing that thing where I invite her to stuff even though I don't particularly care whether she is there or not. She's doing well not to mention the argument we had, and I think at this stage we're just pretending nothing bad happened and carrying on. Her mother is still a sore spot for the both of us but I think I better cut her some slack because she's gonna leave in a couple of days and it's someone else's mother so what should I care.

Where did life actually get worse? Mmm probs started on the weekend, when I decided to procrastinate instead of doing work. That made life really hard when work was due on Monday. For some reason I just lapsed in concentration and decided to play games all night. Then for the first time in my life I decided not to finish work that was due and go to sleep instead- but by then it was 4am anyway and I had 9am compulsory class. Net effect is I got 4hrs of sleep, but at least I handed in my assignment by the 5pm submission frame. Terrible, I know.

Sleep deprivation is easily fixed though- what isn't is news of your friend getting cancer. Yeah, holy shit there you go, this is life getting worse. My friend's in his early 20s and they got cancer. CANCER. Good news is that people with his type of cancer tend to do quite well, but it does mean he gets his dose of surgery, chemo and a lifetime dependency on drugs. Good fun, yeah? I tried to look at the bright side- he's young, they found the cancer early, he's asymptomatic--- but then I remember back to the fact that he has cancer and I'm so not-ok all of a sudden.

This isn't even my closest friend or anything- but I just feel generically bad. Maybe it's because I know the kind of treatment he's gonna have to go through... but yeah I tried talking to ask him how he's feeling but he's chosen not to talk instead. I guess his closer friends would be badgering him about his health status and I probs don't need to join that cohort. There's not much I can do other than offer moral support- but to some people "talk is cheap and anyone can talk" (I don't agree with that opinion, btw, but w/e). I'd say I hope he feels better but I'm not sure there's such a thing as "feeling better" when you find out you have cancer.

Actually overall this year's been a pretty traumatic year. For some reason it still feels like it's March despite it being July. I'm not quite sure where my time went but I do distinctly remember starting school in January this year and complaining quite a lot about it. Either way life sucks right now--- and this is the part where I say "I want to fast forward into the future" but I kind of don't want to do that given my friend just got a cancer diagnosis.

Yeeeah holy shit. Cancer is tragic when you're young.

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