Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Travel- Med Interview

So I'm going away for my med interview- and I have to stay there overnight. My parents are freaking out. I leave in the afternoon, and since yesterday my parents have talked to me at least 5 times about what to take, what to do if I'm hungry, don't be afraid of spending money if I need to, don't freak out at the interview, remember to call home---- etc. I'm starting to get annoyed, but then I control myself, hypnotically repeating "I am not annoyed. I am not an ungrateful bastard. My parents are displaying concern for my well-being. I am not annoyed."

Surprisingly, it works. I'm reeeally looking forward to this interview. Well, not just the interview itself, but getting to spend time in town afterwards. I know most people would probably freak out and feel worried--- not that I'm claiming to be super-confident, but I guess I'm just a little happy right now. It's like the "school is over" does of happiness has just kicked in. I feel great. Borderline euphoric, but that's okay.

Ah I think I will feel really bad if they rejected me after all. I found out last night, that my mother went over to her best friend's house. Yeah yeah, the one who I think is a complete bitch. I should give her a name, instead of writing that every time. Her daughter (my classmate) went to an interview earlier, and my mother asked her how she went, what was asked etc. Apparently she replied "It was okay. They asked easy stuff. I went okay." etc., obviously unwilling to share. That's fine, of course. To my understanding she is ultra competitive and desperate to get into med school. Not that I'm boasting, but I would make decent competition.

What makes me feel truly bad though, is that my mother asked, full well knowing the kind of response she would get. Mum told me how her friend's expression changed so drastically, as soon as she asked the question. Now while I hate that stupid bitch-face friend of hers, I don't want Mum to damage her friendship because of me. I know Mum only asked holding onto that sliver of hope that they'll tell her something, and then I might find it useful. As a result I now feel tremendously guilty. Apparently Mum's friend had once said to her, "Why should [my class mate] help them? They're all competitors!" when discussing the subject of  school.

Heh, and some of my friends wonder why that class mate of mine doesn't answer the phone, when they call her 50 times the night before the chemistry exam.

Ah, it doesn't matter. If they feel offended because Mum asked (she really shouldn't have, though I kind of feel good because she only asked for me), then they can be angry in their little corner. I guess if Mum's friend breaks up the friendship- then good riddance, I really hated her anyway. I'm sure my mother can find better friends to gossip with.

And that's that. I'm gonna go have some fun now. See ya later.

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