Monday, 19 November 2012

My stash of awards

So today I got a whole bunch of certificates for all the competitions I did this year. There were a looot. I did better than I thought, but that's probably because I was used to getting a string of credits in competitions. Uh, if you don't know how it works, let me explain:

Participation---> every loser gets one. This is rockfall pit-bottom, the lowest you can get.
Proficiency---> I don't even. This is one of the rarest awards, for the wrong reasons. Wedged between credit and participation, I think it's something like... I don't know, I can't even make up a range.
Credit---> the rank I get most often. It's pretty...shit. Depending on the competition, the top 50 - 30% will receive a credit.
Distinction---> this is what I accept as "average" or "standard". Yeah I have high standards. Everything below a distinction I see as a bit of a failure. Therefore I fail on a regular basis. Top 15 % or 10%.
High Distinction---> top 1 % or top 5%, depending on competition. This is holy fucking crazy. I've never gotten one of these before, probably because I'm too stupid. Well, I've never gotten one until TODAY.

That's right, bitches. I got a HD. Well, not one. THREE. I think you remember me telling you about the economics thing. The other two were for science. I don't actually consider myself a science nerd. I mean, I hardly like the discipline. Physics and more recently chemistry bores me. And I've never liked bio as a rule. I guess that increases the satisfaction of doing well in these comps. It's as if I'm saying, "yeeah look at me, I don't even give a fuck about this and I BEAT YOU ALL".

Because you know, the world is unfair like that.

 Busty anime girl gets the message across perfectly.

And I guess...that's all I wanted to tell you about. I am in fact, secretly, a science genius! Hah, I'm kidding. But right now I'm just sitting back casually, typing this post and admiring this plaque I got for one of the HDs. No, not a dental plaque. Though for me both are probably equally hard to achieve, because I can't stand not-brushing my teeth.

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