Monday, 4 June 2012

Why Sleep is Wonderful

Thanks to my college life, I've begun to live under a regularly irregular sleep pattern. On some nights I get 11hours, on others I get 3. Last night was a pretty bad night where I got 2. I WOULD sleep more, except I feel like there are so many unaccomplished tasks before me. Going to bed without doing anything just feels... like a waste of time. Yeah, you know your time management is screwed when you think that sleeping is a waste of time.

I've never thought about the importance of sleep before college. Another thing I always took for granted. Sleep was just something we did- and most of the time I preferred not-sleeping until I collapsed from gaming-overdose. Now it's more like work-overdose, except I no longer have the luxury of collapsing. I drink something like a litre of tea on assignment nights, just to keep myself awake. I sit in front of the computer, with my arms and legs freezing off, while I struggle to type out another word of my never-ending assignment. It's a sorry sight, is it not?

This was surely me in a previous life.

Why I hate winter #3123: it makes me think depressing thoughts. Or it might just be the sleep deprivation... but I blame winter. Fuck winter. I'm cold, miserable, hungry and god I'm so thirsty but the kitchen is so far away.  Quite a dilemma. I suppose I'll just pretend my parched throat doesn't exist, and grab water in the morning- except I won't be thirsty by then.

I should sleep. In fact, I will. Screw homework. Giving a fuck takes more effort than you can imagine.

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