Found 3 sentences of my previous blog post- apparently I'd tried to blog at 4.19am last night. I amaze myself. Anyway, after getting roughly 2 hours of sleep I woke freezing, and I could not feel a thing in my feet. It was dreadful. I must have horrible blood circulation.
As a result of my lack of sleep, I was wandering the school like a zombie. And it just so happens that my English oral got postponed--- now I'm going on Friday at the earliest, but most likely Monday. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL THIS AGAIN? ARGH.
So I have a maths exam tomorrow, except I am waaaay too tired to give a fuck right now. I just want to sleep for a bit. Yet foresight tells me that if I don't study tonight, I'm going to hate myself tomorrow, whilst sitting in the exam twiddling my thumb. Life is hard. Making an effort to find compromise between my rational judgement to study and my dire biological need to rest--- I went on YouTube instead.
Now I'm just singing the narwhal song in my head, over and over again. Well, if I can't amuse myself with narwhal songs, what would be the point of life?
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