- Be less aggressive
- Be less passive-aggressive
- Be kind
- Be kind to yourself
- Stop judging yourself
- Stop thinking bitter thoughts and writing bitter rants after midnight
- No more fantasies about killing yourself
- Drop that petty argument with your parents
- Call your "Dad" for once. Or more than once.
- Stop writing "Dad" with inverted commas just because you hate his guts and don't want to admit that he's your real father.
- Let your parents know that they're assholes, without using the word "asshole" or any other offensive language.
- Try and go a whole 5 sentences talking with parents without crying like a little bitch or leaving the room.
- Try a bit harder in school. Fake it a little better. Smile a little brighter.
- Maybe go to therapy like your doctor suggested
- Lose some weight. Gain some motivation. Run for a bit longer.
- See the sun rise WITHOUT the context of pulling an all-nighter for an assignment.
- Go meet that high-school maths teacher you so cherished, before you regret it.
- Go drink a little without thinking about pancreatic cancer.
- It's okay to get intimate with someone without first inquiring about their HIV and Hepatitis status.
- At least if you HAVE to ask about it ask it in a non-offensive way.
- Finish reading your prescribed textbook, for ONCE in your goddamn life.
- Draw a little more. Write a LOT more.
- Walk with your back straight.
- Stop being ashamed of who you are or what you do.
- At least pretend to not be ashamed of who you are or what you do.
- Don't be afraid to love, or admit to getting hurt now and again. Helps you stay alive.
- Do stay alive. Not just in body, stay alive in spirit.
- If life doesn't pick itself up, you pick yourself up and keep going.
Keep going.
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