Wednesday, 30 March 2016

My Internet is Sooooo SLOW

I'm just sitting in front of my laptop being generally agitated because of how slow the network here is. I can't stand it. I just wanna play games, man.

Yeah, gaming is slowly ruining my life. I'm falling behind on all kinds of work, but I don't even care. I come home exhausted, play a few games, wake up early the next morning and repeat. I don't even feel like I do much right now, but it's just... tiring for no good reason.

It's been so long since I've had internet so shit that I needed to wait for youtube to buffer. I know it seems like a mundane complaint, but having slow internet speed is similar to being stuck in traffic for ages. You creep forward little by little, but you can't really feel the progress and if you ever do get to where you need to be, you're in a foul mood.

I seriously just want a couple of days where I can wake up, eat, play games, eat more, go to bed, and not think about all my responsibilities and obligations. Some people call that "holidays", but my holidays are constantly ruined by various things. Sometimes it's the small things that eat up my time- like how I had to go grocery shopping, how I had to do laundry, fold clothes, vacuum the carpet. I'm not the kind of person who's suited to housekeeping, but at the same time, I refuse to live like a slob. I know it'd be typical for the 20 something year old uni student- but I feel like if I end up disheveled and disorganized, then I've lost somehow.

Not that I'm particularly well-organized to start with, but I hate having expected things come my way. My adaptability is pretty good, but sometimes you have to prepare to adapt. Then sometimes it's like someone pushed you over and you stepped on a hot steamy turd. Yeah it's only the bottom of your shoe, you're mostly fine, but then every step you take afterwards you're reminded, and the stink trails behind you where ever you go.

I can't stay everything's too overwhelming at the moment, because it really isn't. I've got this sense of security where I believe everything is still under control. At the same time, I am just tired, and I guess I'm in a mood where I just want to whinge for a bit and wallow in self-pity for a little while. It's not productive, I know, but I'm in the mood for it.

I guess I'll be better by tomorrow. Can't make the same promises about my shitty internet though (seriously TPG is the worst ISP I swear to God)

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