It's a beautiful day. Perfect temperature- I was so productive that I played piano AND vacuumed the house. Oh, and I cooked a healthy dinner. It's strange but I'm okay for now- I'm also getting fat and munching on strawberry bullets, but I guess that's fine too.
Work is overwhelming as usual, but I feel like I haven't even begun to taste the worst of it. Sometimes life can be so inexplicably shit, and I start crying in the middle of a railway station despite all the people around me. I'm nowhere near that depressing point, which is excellent. I wish I could exercise more, though.
I think I like the word "Fall" better than "Autumn". It's kind of romantic- when you think about the motion of falling. Well, I feel like I'm constantly falling, and it's dreadful at first, but then you think of it as a leaf falling- it doesn't just plummet to the ground with all the force of gravity, it kind of drifts and wavers in the wind, and it'll land eventually, where ever that may be.
It's all a cycle, isn't it. One day the leaves will grow from their branches, and I'll be alright, too. Right now, I should just enjoy the change of seasons (and get a flu vaccine before it's too late).
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