Monday, 19 January 2015

New Year Same Me

School started today- drove for like 5 hours the day before yesterday so I could make it up here in time. Unpacked and all that- room's already a mess because I cbf doing it properly. My new room is much, much nicer than the shit-ass place I rented last year- so far 0 cockroach sightings, no smell for century-old dust, house is still old but quiet, and no creepy-ass landlord to catch me at every turn and hound me for my time.

Look, I feel sorry for the guy, and I guess he's kinda lonely, but I don't really feel like having a deep and meaningful relationship with the landlord. I guess he was nice and easy-going, but it wasn't like I caused him much trouble anyway. I hope he's ok since his dog died before I left, and naturally that made him way sad.

Uh so first day of school was pretty shit- good to see familiar faces but I feel bad I still don't know some people's names even though I've seen them around heaps. I guess it's still ok in the end- I've found some people who I'm pretty alright hanging out with- it's not like we'll ever be that close but we're on good terms and hang out when we feel lonely. That's probably what anyone ever asks for anyway. I guess I've just spent all my good luck with meeting people back in college.

I kinda need to start working already- because there's a lot of stuff to revise- we don't really start over again, it's sort of just picking up where you left off last year even though you've already had the exams. I don't really wanna be doing that and I just wanna sorta... hide? for a bit. I was getting really sick of work back down south but I don't think I was prepared to go back to school.

On the other hand I bought myself some cute exercise books and new highlighters (it's a total waste of money because I just forgot to bring highlighters up and in fact I still have one in my pencil case...) But I also bought myself a new art pad and I'm drawing again already, which is really good. I can already see massive improvements in my art and I'm really happy that I'm making progress even though I'm like 20 and far too old to be getting good at art now. I guess if you just do enough of one thing you'll get better eventually. It's probably because I don't stress that I have really talented friends who draw better than me or w/e. I just do my own thing and develop my own style and that keeps me happy with my art.

Anyway, it's a new year and I have to keep trudging along. I heard that this year was the hardest year, but honestly it didn't sound too bad from the introductory lectures I got today. I should probably study now, but I'll see how I feel after a game of LoL.

Take care.

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