Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Feelin' Good

Good evening- I'm feeling stellar right now. This is a rather rare occurrence- and I can't really explain why I'm feeling good. The past 2 days have been kind of blurry- I slept for all of 2 hours Sunday night, and then Monday I came home- kind of napped but woke with a headache, did nothing, and then went back to bed shortly after. I felt much better today, after some decent sleep- and I had a good at school. I hung out with a friend after class and we kind of just chilled for a while, so that was thoroughly pleasant. I came home, didn't do work, ate some food, played piano for a bit and then just wasted time on my laptop.

I think I'm actually keeping up to date with the course- I thought it was very difficult at the beginning and that I would struggle a lot, but I think I actually like what we are studying this semester, so I'm going well thus far. I've basically given up on playing LoL (even though my laptop is working a lot better now that I have a cooling fan) and while I miss it sometimes I don't think it's that bad. I guess I really don't have a problem giving up games... I still like watching LoL games and matches- but yeah, it's kind of weird because I thought I was addicted and all it takes is a broken laptop and now I'm not really into it any more.

I'm at that point again where I really want to distract myself with something- or someone, really. I want to go out and socialize and feel overall productive. My room mate joined a sports club- and I thought it'd be a good idea for me to join too until I remembered that I didn't really like sports and I was terrible at it anyway. I don't really remember which came first- that I was bad at sport or that I didn't like it- but I think it must've been because I was really bad when I was a lot younger, and then the other kids made fun of me for being bad so I decided to never play sport anyway. As the Asian culture goes- you must achieve A+ in every class but getting a B is perfectly acceptable in sports. Though the funny thing is I got a C in P.E., even back in year one, because I couldn't do 50 jumps on a skipping rope in under 1min (or something stupid like that).

But uh, let's throw the terrible memory aside and focus on how I'm feeling pretty good right now. As long as I don't become fat I don't really feel compelled to exercise (though I suspect I would be even less compelled if I was fat). Oh yeah- my diet thing didn't work out too well- I don't know if I mentioned anything about my current diet though. So for some reason I thought not eating meat for a week would equate to cutting out all the fat in my diet- but I kind of gave up because I just don't have the right genetic make-up to be a vegetarian or something. Anyway I ate like 5 lamb chops last night and today I ate half a bag of gummy snakes + chips + whatever other junk food there was at my morning tutorial. It felt pretty good. RIP diet.

Anyway I'm going to bed. Moral of the story tonight is: if you want to be happy, don't go on a fucking diet where you cut out all your meat intake.

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