Sunday, 22 June 2014

It's Cold Out Here

I've finished tests! *cue weak applause*

Anyway I've travelled south since then, and my God it's cold down here. I've gotten used to the 20 degree weather, and wearing a t-shirt all day. Down here it's like... below 0. My parents are still trying to be economical about their electricity usage, insisting that the heater doesn't need to be on. I basically just sat in the Sun and curled into a ball. God save me if it rains and there's no sun light.

So I tried exercising today- the first of many days. I reckon I ran about 400m of the 1km I was meant to run, because I was so goddamn unfit. I was going turtle-paced and then I became breathless in like 20 seconds. I slowed to a walk half way, and decided I should run again because it was too embarrassing. That was a terrible idea, because then my chest started to ache and I couldn't breathe at all. I'm trying to tell myself that I probably have "med student syndrome" (where you diagnose yourself with whatever disease you're studying)- but I'd be really worried if it turned out I had stable angina. I'm waaaay too young to have heart problems, goddamn.

Anyway it's also the first time I've tried to run in like, 3 years, so I'm going to say it's because I'm terribly unfit. I could just like... not-eat or eat better, but I kind of like my food. I probably should've signed up for the sports club properly, instead of only signing up to buy the uniform because I want to look good.

Oh well, at least I'm on holidays. I shouldn't be thinking about this stuff. I have sooo many games to play, and sooo many books to read. I also have a bunch of unfinished artworks in my portfolio. I should just enjoy my break.

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