Friday, 4 April 2014

Social Media Warnings

I attended this seminar this evening on social media awareness- not because I am particularly scrupulous about protecting my online profile (otherwise I wouldn't be blogging and I wouldn't use Facebook), but because the seminar provided dinner for only a gold coin donation. I had managed to not eat anything for most of the day so by 4pm I was really, really hungry. Then my room mate told me about this seminar she was going to and how the food was close enough to being free- so I happily tagged along.

I guess I didn't find any aspect of the presentation particularly alarming- I understand that anything I post will be here forever and that absolutely everyone would be able to see it. Part of it kind of made me regret the concept of ever starting a blog, but on the other hand I don't think I mind. The only time this has been troublesome is when people are unable to distinguish my blogging persona from my real self- admittedly there isn't much difference but just because I tend to blog about the same issues over and over again doesn't mean it's all that occupies my life. It just seems that way if you never actually talk to me IRL and you only read my blog.

So the speaker to gave the seminar said, "if you're not willing to have what you have written published in a magazine with your full name on it, then you shouldn't be posting it at all. Then I just think back to all the blog posts I've ever made, and I think the worst thing I've written is about how I might as well be fatherless because his presence was raw agony in my life- and you know what, I think I would've said that to a crowd of millions without much hesitation (though in essence that is what I might as well have done, since it's on the internet now and it's here to stay). I might have talked shit about some of my teachers being terrible at teaching,  but uh... yeah I can't retract that now, and I don't think my sentiments have changed. They weren't bad people, but they were pretty fucking terrible.

Anyway, the social media awareness thing hasn't done much for me. I mean, I know it's bad, but I don't really want to stop blogging. It becomes a kind of addiction after a while. Even if I'm in a shitty mood after I blog about it, it's like I've left my shitty mood hanging in a piece of writing on the internet, but I'm okay in real life. Being able to partition your misery from everything else is close enough to happiness, yeah? #day9

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