Saturday, 5 April 2014

Sate my Addiction

I don't think there's any use in denying it- I'm like, addicted to LoL. As much as I complain about it being a shitty game and that I don't even like it that much, I think a part of me actually really, really want to play when I hear my friends constantly talk about it. My friend was telling me about a new game mode released in LoL, where it was super-fun and it was only going to be here for a week etc etc, so I HAD to play.

I think I told you that the internet was fixed a few days ago. It is fixed, but it's not like, the fibre optic internet I'm used to. The lag is real and it's basically impossible to play against anything but AI. In fact I disconnect quite frequently against AI, and I think it's a wonder that I haven't lost to AI yet. I can generally go on for days without playing LoL, but I feel terrible when I watch streams of pro players at tournaments, get really excited and then go back to the reality of not being able to play myself. If none of my friends played LoL I guess I'd have an easier time, but not only do they play, they constantly remind me that they play- which makes things hard.

Anyway, I spent the entire afternoon playing LoL with my friend and his friends using school wifi- they were kind of shit but they saw me play this really terrible game where I was kind of shit, so yeah I guess it got evened out. Just because we kind of trash talked each other doesn't mean we didn't get along- I think it kind of helped our relationship in the end. So yeah the afternoon was heaps of fun- I basically played a lot of LoL, tried Nasi Goreng for the first time (didn't like it even though it looked delicious). After that it was just coming home to dinner, chilling for a bit, playing a few games on my computer and feeling completely satisfied----

Until a cockroach longer than 5cm FLIES across my room, seeming have randomly fallen from the ceiling, and frantically crawls across the wall. I was so thoroughly disturbed by it I kind of just sat there and stared. Then I got a bit of paper and tried to grab it off the wall, but it wriggled free and fell onto my table, and then it hid beneath my stack of books and papers, which was really fucking awkward because I was just worried about squishing it into my notebook. I eventually just sprayed all my stuff with cockroach spray, and then the cockroach kind of spasmed and rolled under my bed, so I had to vacuum it all out because my arms weren't going to reach that far and I didn't want to crawl under the bed because God knows how gross that is.

Every time I have to deal with shit like this the voice of my friend just sounds in my head: "what, did you move to a third world country?" I don't think I'm quite in the third world country, because I'm not dying of disease or starvation--- actually I could be dying of disease. The mosquitoes up here are VICIOUS, and their bites have scarred all over the peripheries of my limbs. A recent announcement went out that the mosquitoes were carrying some kind of virus which induced some sort of fever--- I didn't read it very carefully, but I have been bitten several times since the announcement went out, so yeah... there's that.

Luckily right now I show no symptoms of a viral infection, so I guess that counts for something. Happiness is not dying from fever, even if it does feel like living in the third world. #day10

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