Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Seriously though, cockroaches

Day 3: the number of cockroaches in this house is reaching "unbearable". I understand that they are nocturnal, bur every time I go to the kitchen for food or water, there are at least 2 around, just casually scampering across the floor. It's actually really disgusting, how big these bugs are.

I've sprayed a heavy layer of repellent across the threshold of my door, so hopefully that'll keep the cockroaches out of my room. I've looked around the house and I've determined that there is no way of going about exterminating the cockroaches. There are so many goddamn holes and cracks in the walls and tiles of the house, I just think it's impossible to seal everything. On top of that, this house smelt like it hasn't been attended to in a century when I moved in, so I'm certain there are cockroach nests in the walls somewhere. The owner doesn't seem too scrupulous about hygiene, either, so I'm seriously concerned. I don't see how anyone can say "I don't mind" when you just open the door to your room and see cockroaches running around the place.

The solution now is to buy my own bottle of cockroach spray, because I don't think the stuff we keep is strong enough to kill the cockroaches. The most annoying thing is that the owner has no vacuum cleaner, so I'd have to pick up the cockroaches, alive or dead, with my hands. It's not like you can't feel it, even through 3 layers of paper towels.

Anyway, I think I'm experiencing what it feels like to live in a rural dump. But at least the air is sweeter in rural places, and there is less noise pollution from cars etc. I also live on the main road, and the sound of cars driving past is actually incredibly loud and incredibly annoying. I could barely concentrate during the day, and now I live in constant paranoia of touching or stepping on a cockroach when I do something.

I don't think is year is going to work out for me either. I need to either get over my squeamishness with the cockroaches, find a way to kill them all, or move the fuck out ASAP. Right now though, I'm not sure I have enough energy to move out since I literally got here like, 2 days ago, so I hope the bug spray I buy will be effective. I know myself well enough to understand that I'm not going to get over cockroaches any time soon.

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