Wednesday, 30 October 2013

It's not even 4am

I don't know why I get the urge to write when it's so late into the night. "Today" has been a dreadful day- as I went to school it rained like crazy, then I had a few labs to consolidate the fact that I didn't know shit. My friend kindly took me shopping for groceries this afternoon, but when I came home it was rubbish night but it was still raining. Basically I had to take the rubbish out in the rain, and that was thoroughly unpleasant. I guess I could've used the rest of the evening to do some work- instead I procrastinated by eating a late dinner (finishing at half past 10) and then playing LoL. I went on a massive losing streak, and I became super-frustrated. I vowed to go to bed if I won ONE game, but it just didn't happen for the longest time. Naturally I broke my vow, since I'm here blogging.

So uh I really can't remember if I wrote this already in my previous blog (my memory retention these days is non-existent), but I finished the new Ace Attorney game. I finished it in like... 2 or 3 days since release. I remember buying the game at like 12.41am the day it was released (since I could purchase online). The story was soooo good. My love for Ace Attorney has not diminished at all. My friend and I joked that explaining Ace Attorney to someone who didn't play was the easiest thing ever. "You're a lawyer and you present evidence in court to save your client..." We agreed that it was simply something you had to play to understand... but given the structure of the game, one would have to enjoy reading to enjoy the game, I think. Anyway, I love the series, and if another game was released today, I'd probably play it despite exams.

Speaking of exams, I am so fucked. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. It's an ugly paradox, really, but it's also the truth. With that comes an insane amount of stress- I don't anticipate failure, but I will not expect to pass if I do not study at all.

I'm just going to sleep it off. I'm too tired to think about how difficult life is right now.

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