Saturday, 5 October 2013

Coughing to Death

---------Yesterday's Post----------------------

I haven't been this irritatingly ill in a long time. It's not that I feel super-duper-sick, I just can't stop coughing, and it's gotten to that stage where my muscles ache whenever I cough. Like how your stomach hurts when you laugh too much? It's sorta that except I'm coughing instead of laughing. I can't get decent sleep and I literally wake up coughing. Today I actually felt a lot better, and because of that I decided to sleep in a little, because lying in bed was actually comfortable. The only downside was that I had an assignment due, and I hadn't even written anything. Me, being me, slept in anyway and woke up trying to rush-finish my assignment. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't procrastinate while writing--- but it just goes to show that an assignment only takes a few hours even if I do check Facebook/Twitter/Reddit.

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