I'm still sick. I wish my cough would go away. Every time I go into one of those coughing-fits I wonder if it's what pneumonia feels like. I suppose pneumonia would be a lot more painful... I haven't really taken any medication fro my cough, because not much is going to make it better other than time. Drinking water is okay but it's so troublesome having to use the toilet every 40min.
I had to get up early this morning because my mother wanted me to take my sister to the movies. That was fine, except my sister took forever to get dressed and eat breakfast, so by the time we got to the theatre the tickets had sold out. I felt it was largely my sister's fault but she told me it was my fault for not booking her tickets online beforehand. Hard to argue with a 5 year old. I guess she had a point. Anyway I bought tickets for the next session, but it meant wasting 2 hours in the mall waiting for the movie to start. That was extremely boring- to say the least. I couldn't get decent internet connection on my phone, and I was with my sister so she was being a nuisance.
2 hours later, we're in the theatre and watching 30min worth of ads. My sister starts getting restless because the movie hadn't started and kids have really, really short attention spans. There I was fiddling with my phone, surrounded by little kids and their parents. It made me kinda sad because that was not something I wanted to experience until I was at least 30. The movie was surprisingly okay... it was about a snail that gained super-speed (200+ mph) through nitrous oxide... During the movie I wondered if the nitrous oxide would just kill the snail... A quick search told me that nitrous oxide could be used for recreational purposes because it made you euphoric... When I think about it that way that movie was just a really, really cruel joke.
We came home after the movie and I tried to get my sister to eat lunch. That only took about 2.5 hours. I tried to get some time to myself but my sister wouldn't leave me alone. I was finally able to ditch after dinner, but after wasting a bit of time on Reddit and YouTube I've grown extremely sleepy. My assignment still isn't writing itself. My exam timetable came out and it's enforcing the urgency of revision...
God I hate babysitting.
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