Federal election was like...yesterday, and the liberal party got voted in. Now personally I don't really know much about politics, but sometimes I like to pretend I do when other people are desperately trying to sound cultured. Anyway, the only thing I got out of the liberals winning the election is that I can kiss my high speed internet (as well as that high speed train) good bye. Ironically my internet capped today, and everything was slow as hell. Even Google took 30 seconds to load...
The past couple of days has been quite eventful--- I went out to this open air movie night thing on Friday. We watched this film called "The Sapphires" and I thought it was decently entertaining, though it wasn't the best thing I've ever watched. I somehow managed to feel bored during it all, and I don't really think it was the film's fault. Dinner that night was provided, and I ate quite a bit... There was this guy who I thought was quite good looking, and he sat by himself looking lonely for the longest time- but for some reason I just never went up to him. I don't know what I was expecting but I figure it was because I failed so hard with my previous crush I've given up on the concept of trying and thought in some twisted way that he should have come to me.
It doesn't have to be logical, does it? On an unrelated note, he looked a great deal like Martin Freeman, the guy who played Bilbo in The Hobbit and Dr. Watson in Sherlock.
Then last night I went out to a musical ran by the med faculty--- it was pretty good, but I'm not sure it was worth missing out on the Korean LoL regional playoffs just to see this musical. I guess I got some social time out of it--- which brings me to my next topic: both of these events I attended with my room mate and her ex boyfriend.
So the gist of it is, her ex is still into her and I'm like 98% sure he's using me as an excuse to see her. Or get close to her. Or something. I don't even fucking know. He'd kinda like invite me to stuff, and I'd accept, then he'd ask "is she coming?". Naturally my reaction was all "no, what, why, did you ask her" and I'd almost always receive "nvm" as a shut-down reply. Basically I feel I'm starting to get caught into a bit of a mess here, and I kinda want to bail but I don't know how.
For example, today my internet capped so I went over to my room mate's ex-boyfriend's house. He's a friend of mine, btw, in case you thought I was just randomly being a creeper. Anyway he has unlimited download so I went there to watch the Chinese LoL regional playoffs. It was pretty intense and the team I was rooting for won in the end, but I think I hate one of their star players. Back to topic--- I was there for a couple of hours, but then somehow it all ended with me sitting on the floor of his room, my room mate also ended up in his room and he was talking about something I can't even remember.
Then I just ended up being a 3rd wheel for the better part of an hour. The awkward tension just kept on rising and rising and rising and I was just totally unneeded and shouldn't have even been there.
I can kind of remember how we all ended up there but thinking about it I just feel like I make terrible choices in life. Then her ex boyfriend said at one stage, "if you want to go home at any time I'll drive" so I tried taking him up on his offer--- but I made the mistake of asking my room mate if she wanted to leave (out of pure courtesy) and she gave me the most non-committal "I don't mind" I've ever seen anyone give. So then everything went into stasis and we just sat there, as if glued down, because he obviously didn't want her to leave, and I wasn't sure whether the "I don't mind" from her meant "up to you", "I want to stay" or "I have no opinion". Considering how I obviously wanted to go (since I brought up the topic of leaving anyway) but she made no move, I'm gonna say she didn't actually want to leave, FOR WHATEVER REASON.
Women are complicated ):
Now after this episode there is in fact a movie night in the planning, because my room mate is really keen to watch a super-scary movie. Not sure if I mentioned before but I hate scary movies. I either get so scared I'm on the verge of pissing myself or it's not scary at all and it's like, why did I even waste my time watching this. It's just a lose-lose situation. However she's really keen and because it's been like two years since I've seen a movie which actually scared me, I actually don't mind. The biggest problem of course is the fact that her ex boyfriend is invited and from the way it's going it's like they're planning to have a 3-man party (or rather, my room mate, her ex and me the fabulous 3rd wheel) in my room. The very thought horrifies me, because wtf get out of my room I've had enough since before you two went out and decided to camp in my room til 2am causing me to lose sleep and w/e.
Ergh when I think about it those two are like so awkward around each other I don't know why both of them insist on dragging me into it, whether it be intentional or not. So what I've realized about my life is that any semblance of a social event or outing is in fact just me being the extra between my room mate and her ex.
Ah fuck my life. Get me out of here.
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