Friday, 6 September 2013

Alive Again

----This is like an entire week's worth of blogging in one post------------------------------------------

So I haven't blogged in almost a week and it's because I've just been feeling dead. It's not that I did much in particular, I've just felt...dead.

The weekend rolled past with me watching my LoL games again. They were in the regional playoffs (North America, that is) to decide which team would make it to the world championships, so of course I was really excited because I had a favourite team and I wanted them to win. Not that I was holding my breath and clutching my heart or anything, because my team's stomped every other NA team this season, so I reasonably expected them to come out on top. I wake up in the morning to watch my games---- and I don't really remember what happened from then on, because the games certainly didn't go on all day. Perhaps it was just that I never got out of bed... Which is really strange but yeah, whatever.

While I was hyped all weekend, it turned out that the finals for the reigonals, between my fav team and these really strong contenders, occurred on a Monday. Specifically, the match started at the same time as my 9am lecture. Then the big decision came: do I want to watch a replay or do I want to go to class. Heh, who am I kidding, it wasn't even hard to decide, I just didn't get out of bed and watched the games from my iPad.

When the Sun had set and I realized that I'd skipped yet another set of Monday lectures, being my 3rd week in a row (or maybe 4th?), I was kinda thinking about how much I'd changed since last year. I would never dream of missing class, let alone missing class to watch LoL games (it's like sinking to the pits). And I'm thinking, maybe it's because my parents aren't here so I'm being all rebel, but when I think back far enough, it probably started ages ago, when I decided I hate chemistry and just didn't show up a lot of the time. Then I had the maximum amount of absences I could without failing the class for psychology--- which is really strange as well because psychology was easily one of my favourite classes, and I CHOSE to study psychology. I guess this is just a continued trend from last year--- I skipped an entire semester of Japanese lectures, and now I'm skipping out on med lectures too.

Ergh, it's not just the lectures, it's the labs as well. I've missed tonnes of labs out of nowhere--- BUT, I made an active effort to get to histology on Tuesday, and I felt quite rewarded when I realized the class wasn't as shit as I thought it was. That was mainly because there were like 15 people when there were meant to be 40, and so the professor had more time to explain stuff. However when Tuesday night came I was in such a mess. I had an assignment due, which I had set out to finish over the weekend--- and it would have only taken me an evening's worth of concentrated effort (so I could've technically done it Friday night) but it just didn't happen. So by that time I had done shit all for my tutorial, and shit all for my assignment. Seeing as how my tutorial was the next day, I worked on that first.

And hell I hate working til 2am reading about blood supply to the kidneys. It's like, almost as boring as you could ask for. Then there was this physics crap about how fluid gets in and out due to pressure, and I pretty much gave up and went to bed.

...ANOTHER thing which I've noticed, and surprised myself with.

I used to NEVER sleep until I finished my work (work that was due the next day, that is). I just wasn't comfortable going to rest, dealing with the possibility that I could actually miss a deadline or fuck things up. Except this time, I was either confident that I would wake early enough in the mornings to do the work (this was actually really scary because I had done shit all by 2am, and I had like 3hrs in the morning before I absolutely had to go), or I wasn't confident but just didn't give enough shits about my tutorials any more. I have a terrible feeling that it may be the latter, and that I've stopped caring, but it turns out I finished my work in time and I was O.K.

I was just drained out on Wednesday, because of the sleeping late, waking early, and the 3hr intensive tutorial. Yet somehow I still managed to watch the Koreans play LoL, because the NA regionals were over so I decided to turn my attention to the Asian scene. I was just sooo worn out by the end of last night, I literally collapsed into bed.

When I woke up this morning life didn't get much better. I had ONE anatomy lab which lasted one measly hour, but I would have to walk there in the face of the midday Sun--- and spending 30 minutes in 24 degrees Celsius weather is not my favourite hobby. And so I was sitting, telling myself I should go, but really not wanting to go. At some stage I realized that if I didn't do laundry today I would have nothing to wear tomorrow, so then I threw everything in the washing machine. Then I decided to go to my lab, knowing that I'll be late by the time I get there--- and I went anyway.

The lab was over in like 30min, even though I was scheduled for an entire hour. Not that I missed out on anything, by the way, because it turns out that I'd already learnt when I decided to prepare for my tutorial on that Tuesday morning. All it turned out was a colossal waste of time---having to walk to school. You could call it exercise but considering how it was midday I call it being a melanoma magnet. So that was frustrating, and now if I ever feel like just not-going, I will have an excuse because it turns out I don't get much out of anatomy labs, apart from the whole "wow this is cool" kinda feeling you get when visiting a museum.

My room mate decided to drag me to the beach this afternoon. Now don't get me wrong, I love the beach, but this particular afternoon just did not work out for me. It was for the birthday celebration of this girl I didn't really know, but I was given an obligatory invite for having been to a few events with the same group of people (or something like that). Stuff like that is just exhausting. Trying to fit in, look social, pretending to be happy and pasting a permanent smile--- 100% could not handle. My room mate noticed and tried to keep me company, but I was set on going home because I wasn't having a good time, and I didn't want to waste even more time there. I hadn't even finish my assignment then, which was due by midnight today.

I don't really know what the deal is with me at social events. My best friend told me quite a while ago that I always text her at parties--- and I think if it wasn't for the fact that she can no longer reply to my texts, I would've texted her telling how shit everything was this afternoon. I just feel that I spend half my life being excessively bored, and what other people do to entertain themselves (i.e. "going out") really doesn't work for me. Don't give me the "you don't even go out how would you know" bullshit, because I do know and I fucking hate it.

To this day, I still don't agree with the concept of "trying" to make friends. If we're going to be friends, neither of us should have to "try". If the first conversation between us didn't work out, and there is not much to say beyond "hi my name is ________", then it would be best to stay acquaintances. I mean, I'm just trying to live my life, right? It's not like I'm salesperson where I actually HAVE to talk to people, keep them entertained so they'll buy my stuff. I don't NEED to be part of the social party group. I want to set my own schedule, which is to work when I want to work, waste time when I don't, and to be free and do what I want. Not "going out", ever, is actually perfectly legitimate.

I remember having a similar opinion about "trying" to have fun. It's like, this is either fun or it's not. It will not become fun just because I "try", I could always lie to myself and pretend I'm having fun, but what's the use in deceiving the rest of the world when I don't even want to do this. Like, hell, I should obviously take care of my own interests, because no one else is.

Anyway, it's midnight, and it's technically Friday, but at this point in time I'm feeling really bitter about a lot of things and really just hating the world right now. Therefore I'm going to bed and hopefully I'll wake up a happier person.

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