Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Can't Sleep

It's currently 2am and as the title suggests, I can't sleep. I have to wake up at 6.45am because I need to be somewhere by 8am, but at this rate I doubt I'll even sleep. I tried doing work for an hour or two tonight, but I was thoroughly distracted and somehow ended up playing LoL. Then I played for ages because I kept on losing games but I really wanted to win. It was ironic because one game where I thought I'd completely dominate I lost pretty hard, and the other game where I thought we'd lost for sure we actually won. Oh well, it's all kind of uninteresting, even as I write about it.

So my left hand looks like it's positively diseased right now, because it has an accumulation of 12 mosquito bites. Yeah... Then I scratched a couple unwittingly, and I have a massive scab where it bled. Wasn't my fault the inflammation only got worse after 2 nights. I only started with 4 bites one night, then the number just grew. Finally I decided to spray a fuckload of insect repellent over my skin before I slept, and the next day I found my mosquito bites had mostly diminished. Except for the ones that are scarring. That's not going to go away. My skin has been wrecked my mosquitoes ever since I moved up north.    

I'm starting to hate on this city, nothing's really felt right after I came back from China. As I found out I gained 3kg in China over a week and I've lost 5kg ever since I returned, because there's nothing to eat. On one side I'm telling myself "at least I'm one step closer to being not-fat if I ever go back to China again", but on the other I'm going "omfg where is food". 

I can't wait til I graduate (oh shit this line sounds way too familiar). 

I feel like my entire life up to now has just been a massive waiting game... In primary school and high school I just kept on waiting for the holidays. I never actually liked going to school. So I just kept on waiting and waiting and waiting, until it was over. I'd wait for recess and lunch breaks, I'd wait for weekends. Then all of a sudden I was in college and I didn't even enjoy recesses, lunch breaks, weekends or even holidays anymore. As far as I was concerned it was all free time where I could be doing maths. Maths consumed my life...

So I decided to wait for graduation. Then graduation came and it wasn't nearly as exciting as I hoped. So I waited some more for my university acceptance letters--- and those weren't very exciting either. I think I was happy, but maybe it was about the fact that I got into multiple prestigious places rather than me obtaining something I truly cared for. Then I waited to move out as I endured the long and dreadful holidays where I alternated between working and arguing with my parents...

Coming to university, I am now waiting for graduation. I've finished the first term and I'm waiting for graduation. My holidays have felt way too short--- possibly because I had a decent time in China, but more likely because some "friend" of mine completely ruined the last week for me. Then school started and I'm close to being buried by obscene amounts of work... And of course I'm choosing to ignore all the work I have. 

When I stay awake late night like this, I start wondering, what does it all amount to in the end? Why am I doing what I'm doing? It's like I've forgotten my purpose, and my life's ambitions seem horribly ridiculous anyway. I keep trying to find reasons to be happy, but then almost right after I realise I don't want to be where I am and become terribly discontent with life in general.

And this, is probably why I should consider lying awake in bed instead of sitting up and blogging at the eerie hour of 2am.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Tiny Times

After spending the entire day in bed reading Tiny Times, the book which one of the most controversial movies in China is based off, I've been thinking about the role money and love plays in this world of ours. Tiny Times is something like teenage fiction, and it's about the lives of four girls who were close friends with each other in high school, but then drifted apart as they grew older because of the nature of life. I never thought I'd enjoy reading something so tame, because I've always preferred to pick up a fantasy novel where the protagonist goes on an adventure, becomes super strong and conquers the world. There is just so much excitement and thrill in those kinds of novels, but Tiny Times brings out the drama in daily lives.

The novel is set in Shanghai, and the author uses these beautiful metaphors to describe the city; from a raging beast roaring with rampant economic growth to a clockwork city devoid of emotion, where the people are little wind-up dolls travelling paths of monotony. After a few pages I understood why the novel was so successful and why the author Jing M. Guo is one of the richest authors in China.

Interestingly enough is how every few pages a luxury brand name is mentioned, stuff like LV, Armani, Gucci and Hermes... I've never even heard of Hermes, and I don't remember what LV stands for, but I guess I've never paid that much attention to luxury brands. The appearance of these big brand names all centre around this character called Lily, who doesn't hesitate to spend tens of thousands on a new phone, then throws it in her room a few weeks later and buy a new phone. Though she seemingly spends an atrocious amount of money of luxury goods, she is clever and she makes more than enough to compensate for her spending.

I can't believe I'd aspire to become like a fictional character, but I wish I had her talent and dedication. I think we spend too much time admiring other people's riches, but we forget to think about their own sacrifices to stand where they are. I mean, I reckon I could get pretty far if I decided to sleep 6 hours a day and be productive every waking hour.

I've almost finished reading Tiny Times, and I think it's a beautiful depiction of the interaction between money and everything else in modern society. Right now I'm feeling rather ambitious, it's as if the world was at my feet and I could reach out and take whatever it is I wanted.

It's like... I'm drifting on this high cloud. I should really go to bed while I feel so good, before the night drags on and I start feeling moody and sad again.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Recent Arguments

I got into a bit of a scrape with a new "friend" I made in uni. I use friend in quotation marks because I'm still wondering if we really are friends, because right now it stills makes me angry to think about what happened. I talked with him yesterday and I tried acting as usual, but I loathed his company and had real difficulty looking him in the eye. I wondered whether I was scared to look him in the eye, but soon realized it was because seeing his face brought back bad memories and I just had the biggest urge to punch him in the face whenever our eyes met.

What happened? I'm not sure, actually. If I had to be completely rational about the whole situation I'd say it was no big deal. I've told the story a couple of times already, and I don't really want to repeat what happened, because now that I think about it, it was completely stupid anyway. We essentially had 2 major arguments, and they were completely unnecessary. 

While I do enjoy a good argument once in a while, I hate it when one party gets overly emotional and it deteriorates to pointless banter. The things we argued about weren't really points of contention, but it was more about a clash of personality as opposed to anything else. When your personalities clash I think you can argue about anything, because in a way you're just looking for a reason to hate somebody more.

Not that I hated him before. It sounds childish but I want to scream "HE STARTED IT". In reality I obviously had a part to play- I said something which made him say something which offended me. I do feel as if he was trying to find more faults in me; and he was extrapolating my character based off personal assumptions until it became something worth hating. Or maybe I do have one of those personalities which anger people, but haters gonna hate what can I do about it...

Nah, that's not the point of this post. I've had enough of a rant to my friends so I don't need to re-rant the details of our argument on this blog. I want to talk about my current concern, which is his attempt to make amends and my complete reluctance to accept him into my company once again. As previously mentioned, I have trouble forgiving people and I never forget their offences against me.

This "friend" of mine called me up last night and asked me if I wanted to hang out today. Now I was pretending to no longer be angry (and failing at it) so I said "can I bring [my roommate] along". Then he said something along the lines of "yeah but I want to talk to you" and all I could think of was "oh God no fuck off". So I ranted on saying I had work to do, that I was going to sleep in and maybe play LoL for a while. He then said "you don't have to make excuses if you don't want to, I just want to tell you that no matter what your choices is---" 

And I stopped listening at that point, because I was too busy thinking "yeah so much for making amends, gtfo".

Those that know me will know that I rarely get angry at someone. I can be annoyed and irritated, but that's not the same as anger, because anger takes a lot more effort. Right now a sensible person reading this would probably think, "wow, stop being such an asshole and get over it already. At least he's trying to work things out, and you're just sitting here being bitter'.

But being bitter is what I do best. At this point I am mostly over our argument, but it's not about the arguments we had anymore. I've come to realize that I don't actually enjoy his company, and that I don't really like talking to him. Everything I say he has a problem with, which is why I feel it's a personality thing. It's like, our personalities aren't set to be friends with one another. It just doesn't work out. I wish we could go back to being polite acquaintances, but he's trying really hard to salvage something out of this failed friendship and it's making me feel guilty.

Except I'd still hate to "give it another go" because I'm a cynical asshole and I can see a 3rd major argument looming on the horizon if I were to go down that path...

Nup, not going back. I'm going to stop being angry, but I can't be friends with someone who has a problem with almost everything I say, and whose company I don't even enjoy. My dear best friend who is probably getting really fat in America, I wish you were here. People just don't appreciate me enough.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

New Term

So school starts again tomorrow and it really sucks because it means I'll have to stop sleeping until 2pm and wake up early and go to class. I felt that last term I was really slacking off with the number of lectures I just skipped because yolo (yeah, I said yolo) then I didn't do amazingly well in the exam so that was no surprise. I don't think I've talked much about my grades which came out, but uh grades have always defined the meaning of life for me and that's going to take a while to change. Uh I was worried about doing really badly in Japanese before: not only did I not show up to a single lecture but I decided to play a lot of LoL the night before the exam. Studying is for losers, ya know?

While in the exam I looked at the paper and I thought "wow if I bothered revising I could answer this", and there were a lot of these questions where I swear I've seen the answer before but I didn't remember because I didn't revise. Then I ended up walking out of the exam 1 hour early because I didn't want to sit in the hall and feel bad about myself, and it wasn't like I was going to magically remember if I stayed.

Oh and it rained the morning of the exam, so I was soaked from below the knee because on the way my umbrella was snapped by the wind. Not the best of days, so I wanted to get out and go home to get changed.

As for my other courses- yeah I did alright. I thought I was legit going to fail one of my classes, but luckily I didn't or else it'd mean spending another year in this stupid place.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to rolling over a new slate. I think things will get better because I'm a lot more confident about what exams are like and I've kinda figured out how much work I need to do... which is not a lot because it's uni and life should just get easier because I'm a genius.

Except being a genius won't save me from having to spend another $500 or so on textbooks. Life, why can't you be perfect for once.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Trip to China: my brother

Now, about my brother's wedding... Uh... man Chinese customs are tedious. I wasn't aware that there were so many little details which seemed so mundane and tedious to me, but were apparently culturally significant. Well, my brother hated it too, even though he was the main character at the centre of attention. Personally I don't think he enjoys being focused on like this, and I think the day of the ceremony must have been quite terrible for him. Not that he wasn't happy with getting married, but I think it was more the formal processions that he was fed up with.

Of course I saw his wife. She was beautiful, and she had the kind of charm that would make you want to give up on every other woman in the world and marry her. But I also noted that her skin was really really pale and she looked like she weighed less than 50kgs. Not that she was really tall but still she looked underweight. I guess it was like the epitome of Asian beauty (and she did have a nice face) but I wish she'd didn't look so bony. Except she ate more than me at meals so apart from jealousy I don't know what to feel.

Sometimes I really despise people who eat and eat but are still skinny as hell.

My brother and sister-in-law didn't have much time for me prior to the wedding, but afterwards we spent quite a bit of time together. Well more like my brother and I spent a lot of time with her, because we went to the mall and my sister-in-law wanted to try out everything that looked cute, except she never bought anything because my brother wasn't sincere enough in complimenting her. Naturally they wanted to buy me stuff, and I didn't refuse because eh it was my brother I'm not going to play the "pretend to be polite" game with him. So I got an iPad.

Yeah, the level of my hipster-ness just exponentially grew. My friend studying law commented that I was more of a law kid than he was because law is full of Apple fanboys. I still maintain that I will never buy a mac, but I suspect I will cave-in in the near future, because eh I already have an iPad.

In fact I'm blogging on my iPad now. I bought a keyboard case for it, and it feels like I have another laptop on me... except this one's lighter and seems to have infinite battery. I have games on here, and now all I'm missing is music and the pdf version of my textbooks. It pains me to think that I might have to use this iPad to do work, but at least it's less distracting than my laptop... to a certain degree. I can't play LoL on iPad, for one thing...

But nowadays I spend more time watching videos of professional LoL players than play LoL myself... So I guess it doesn't really matter...

Main point is, my brother is awesome, his wife is beautiful and they bought me an iPad. And I love my iPad.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Trip to China: my relatives

Just because I didn't visit anyone other than my brother doesn't mean I didn't have to deal with relatives. It was his wedding, so there were a lot of people invited. Sure a lot of them I didn't actually know or recognize, because they were kinda friends of friends or they're married to my aunt who is actually not my aunt but my aunt's best friend...

It was complicated. I just awkwardly smiled at everyone and said, "hi I'm that kid from Australia". I didn't know what I was doing half the time felt really, really out of place...

I also felt that people were kinda acting funny towards me. It was like a mix of admiration but at the same time they were sorta treating me like some alien specimen. Anyway, people were just people and i got along fine with 'people', and funnily enough the only people who made my life difficult were biologically related to me: the family of only aunt on my father's side.

So my aunt, her husband, and her daughter make it to the wedding. Her daughter (i.e. my cousin) was the one cousin I really didn't like because I thought she was ambitious in all the wrong ways. People would say she was brave and bold but to me it seemed to be a mix of pig-headedness and just being really, really selfish, not giving a fuck about anyone else or caring about consequences. Kinda showed at the wedding, where she expected to be treated like an important guest and given prompt attention, then wanted everything to be catered for. Everything was done to everyone's best abilities, but it was sooo taxing to have to deal with shit like that a day or two before a wedding. My cousin wanted to be shown around and wanted to do this and that, which was just inconvenient because nobody had the time for her and the attention was given to my brother because come on, it's his wedding.

Now this shouldn't have affected me too much, but I still got caught up in it because we were related. I  was just sitting in a corner thinking about what a mess the whole thing was, when the lady next to me started talking about my aunt with some other lady. "That woman... she must be XXX's sister... my, they do look alike. But look how dark her skin is- oh, and her daughter's as well. She doesn't look too fit either. I didn't think XXX would have family like this..." And I was just infuriated because they knew who I was and they knew she was my aunt, but they just talked about her like I wasn't there, because they thought I couldn't understand Chinese or something. A part of me was just like, "stop talking shit about my aunt! I don't like her either but you have no right to do that!"

Knowing what other people thought about my aunt didn't really help though. I'd love to be all "I don't care what other people think", but that's a load of bs. My aunt always wanted to be in my company, which I thought was strange because I really didn't get along with her. In fact she seemed desperate to pull me to her side, probably because she knew everyone else thought she was weird, but the fact that she wanted to keep me at her side whenever I saw her just freaked me out. I mean, the reason I'm mildly aquaphobic now was because she pushed me into that swimming pool when I was 5, reasoning that I'd learn to swim out of survival instincts or something. Yeah, I hold grudges for a long time. It's hard not to when you almost drown.

So yeah there was the aunt who was desperate to keep my by her side and the cousin who wanted all the attention. Then my cousin gave me some lectures about life which I didn't really want to hear, because she wasn't that much older than me and most importantly I really don't respect her that much. 

I think I just prefer my mother's side of the family in general...

Monday, 15 July 2013

Trip to China: general impressions

I have so many things to say about the couple of days I spent in China, I decided to split my post into general topics. So here, first post: general impressions.

China is beautiful. Beautiful in an extremely dirty kind of way. They sky is my favourite shade of grey-blue, but that's the result of the tonnes of pollution generated by industrial growth. I still enjoy looking down at the streets from a tall building, seeing how the cars attempt to outmanoeuvre each other so they can reach their destinations. Surely the busy traffic is an indication of prosperity. Except when I am part of that traffic myself, I see pedestrians crossing the road disregarding all traffic, I see cars obstructing the oncoming lane in an attempt to overtake a cyclist, who decided he had a special lane to himself in the middle of the road. Then there was incessant honking as people became frustrated and angry- I didn't have to wake by alarm clock at all in China; I could hear the cars battling each other every morning 7am sharp.

People in China are shallow and materialistic like everywhere else, but they take no shame in that fact and its display is as casual as saying hello to someone passing by while walking your dog. It's surprising to discover that there is no longer the need to hide certain sentiments, while other topics become generally taboo. People are better and worse in that way, and in the end I can only come to the conclusion that they are "different".

Overall this trip back to China wasn't as disastrous as my last one, where I decided I hated everyone and everything and just wanted to never go back ever again. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I travelled alone (i.e. without my parents), and I visited no one but my brother.

I don't think I'd mind making the trip again in the near future.

Friday, 12 July 2013

I'm Back

Hey, did you miss me? It's not like I forgot to blog for THAT long, but let me tell you, accessing anything not-Chinese in China is pretty damn hard. My best friend referred to the censorship as "the great firewall of China", and personally I couldn't agree more. No facebook, no blogging--- but I guess that wasn't the main problem: the main problem was that I didn't have wifi half the time.

Sure there were plenty of public wifi hotspots, but they all required registration with your phone number... and I didn't get a Chinese phone. Basically I just went to a lot of different places while I was in China and ate a lot of oily food. Like sure Chinese food tastes great but fuuuuck they add a lot of oil. Maybe it's because when I cook I don't add much, but restaurant food made me so sick one evening I practically went to the bathroom every 15min.

And I gained like 5kg. I need to lose weight.

Anyway, I'm just really tired now, because international flights are tiring. I saw a lot of things in China, some thing which are kind of cool, and a lot of things which are not so cool. I'll tell you about that when I've caught up on however many hours of lost sleep for being awake for 48 hours.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Still Waiting For Flight

Alright now I'm just abusing airport wifi. That's acceptable, right? I know I've already ranted on for so long before, but I am so bored right now and there's like, nothing else to do despite having internet. I'm just too stoned to read or pay attention to anything, and basically it just goes right over my head. At least typing this is like transferring my thoughts into print, and I really do like the feeling of my fingers pressing against the keyboard. Oh and the fact that I can type decently fast and without staring at the keyboard all the time.

It's sad because it's so early in the morning in China. I feel like it's 4 in the afternoon but it really isn't. I guess my memories are just still stuck in "yesterday" because of travel and everything, but in a way it also feels like 3 days has passed... Maybe I'm just really messed up because I haven't slept. See I caught a train to the airport, which took several hours, and that felt like it was 3 days ago but it wasn't. Then waiting for my plane to arrive felt like a separate day on its own: I got the the airport super-early out of pure paranoia, and I couldn't even check in because I got there so early. I just sat in a corner for hours, recharging my phone while I spammed facebook chat.

Of course the super long plane flight/ movie marathon felt like its own day. And well, I've rolled a clean slate and I'm recognizing that it is in fact morning, the beginning of a new day. Oh yeah, never mind that I feel like it's late afternoon where I'm usually the most sleepy.

I just want to sleep. But if I sleep now I'll most likely miss my flight. Which will be awkward. I could always sleep when I get off my flight, but when I get off it won't even be noon (omfg why is it so early) and it'll be really bad if I sleep for 12hrs in the day time with all my "family" there.

Did I even mention I hate every single one of my relatives in China, except for my brother?

Argh, life is hard man. As soon as I see one of my aunts I will inevitably be called "fat" (no seriously, I'm not fat, my BMI is normal) and my uncles will be like "not fat...sturdy is the right word" and I'll just stand there laughing awkwardly but secretly hating myself and everyone around me. Then I'll have to meet my brother's wife... well I should say sister-in-law but I don't really want to call her sister because it sounds wrong and I barely know her. Like sure my brother loves her but it's like... she was never a part of my life...

I do hate family politics. I really, really do. I don't understand how people deal with this crap. In my simple black and white world, I'd call the "family" I didn't like once a year (at new years) out of obligation and wish that they change to become more likeable people in general. Too bad the local custom seems to be giving the "family" you don't like gifts, talk about them behind their backs and to all the other "family" members, spend a long time playing the "no you stay there I'll pay the bill" game and--- how can I not mention this, the hide-and-seek-the-red-envelope ritual.

In case you've never heard of the last one, I'll explain. Red envelope = money. Basically they're trying to give you a gift of money, and you spend a long time turning it down, like, NOOOO WE'RE FAMILY WE'RE TIGHT WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME MONEY, and they'll go IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE FAMILY THAT YOU CAN TAKE MONEY OFF ME TAKE IT and then you both just keep reiterating the same points to exhaustion.

Then it starts when one side sneakily hides the red envelope in the others' possessions, so that when they go back home they'll find that they have the red envelope. Basically, treat the money like a time-bomb. I guess it is time-bomb, in a way... just more of a social time-bomb. In the end, one side will "win", and winning means not being in possession of the red envelope. The ritual begins again when the side that "lost" the previous round tries to give back the same amount of money or more in another red envelope. AND ON AND ON WE GO TIL ETERNITY.

Fuck I hate Chinese customs. It's all so...fake. And I'm such a Westerner for saying this, but goddammit why do you have to make life so complicated. As if socializing wasn't hard enough as it is, you bring in all this fluff which takes a fuckload of effort to understand in the first place and extraordinary talent to put into practice. I reckon if I ever mastered the art of red-envelope-ritual, I'd be like the smoothest politician to have ever existed. No kidding.

Alright, enough ranting for now. Gotta keep optimism up and alive. Can't get myself depressed before I even properly reach my destination. Go Go Go happy-China-travel-time.

Airport Blogging

So I'm currently sitting in the airport lounge waiting to board my plane. You have no idea how much of a hipster I feel, sitting here with my laptop, earphones plugged in, blogging, of all things. Anyway I was on a train for many hours, and after lots of waiting, paperwork and more waiting, I finally got on my flight. The food was surprisingly edible, considering it was plane food. It basically tasted like oil, salt and MSG, and considering how my cooking combo is oil, salt and soy sauce, maybe I should consider replacing the soy sauce with MSG.

My flight was essentially overnight and I would've slept but before it was late I looked at the movies I could watch and holy shit there were a lot. They were all quite new, as well (well I say quite new because I haven't been to the movies since Cloud Atlas). So I started off watching Identity Theft because I saw the trailer and could tell it was supposed to be funny, and it was something I'd wanted to see. The movie was horribly disappointing--- like I could tell they were trying to go for the Zach Galifianakis effect like they did in Due Date and The Hangover series, but it just really wasn't there. Not that the lady wasn't a good actor--- in fact the actors present were actually quite good, it's just that the whole idea of a decent, hard-working guy getting screwed over by a massive out-of-societal-norms troll was too overused. I mean, I've seen it so many times, and the humour didn't even reach the level where it'd extort a smirk from me.

After being thoroughly disappointed with that, I found a movie called Warm Bodies in the list. I wouldn't have continued watching movies except I remember my roommate telling me that she went to see it with her boyfriend, and that the movie was quite good. Okay, I was also attracted by the cover of the movie, because I thought the actor was kinda cute. So I watched Warm Bodies. The story was decently shit but somewhat inspiring. I really did enjoy the male lead's face. I didn't think it was very funny though--- oh, and I totally picked up on how the guy was meant to be Romeo (his name was R) and the girl was meant to be Juliet (Julie, seriously?) Yeah and the Dad who wanted to shoot the boyfriend in the head when he saw him. Tsk.

Then... Oh yeah, I started watching Identity Theft at like, 11pm, to give you an idea of time. After Warm Bodies I saw Les Mis in the list, and watched that. Yeah yeah I knew it was a long movie and watching it at the time was probs a bad idea, but I was served food and didn't feel sleepy. Not to mention how the movie was actually really good. For the first 10min I was like "this singing feels so horribly unnatural", and I had that thought a couple times more later in the movie, but all in all it was very good. I mean, I liked the original Victor Hugo story, and I thought the movie was an excellent adaptation. Then the guy who played Marius caught my eye, because he looked charming and Eponine's solo about loving him really broke my heart. I guess the guy sitting next to me on the plane must've been pretty annoyed because I just didn't sleep all night, and the brightness of my monitor was just super high because I don't like low brightness.

So I got through 3hrs of Les Mis... and you'd think I'd stop, but noooo, too late for that now. An hour or two left for the flight, but I couldn't get to sleep anyway, so I booted up yet another movie. I chose Jack the Giant Slayer because I saw the trailer ages back and thought the guy who played Jack was good looking. I soon realised he was the same guy who played the male lead in Warm Bodies which I watched earlier, so that just made things more entertaining.

But God that movie was shit. Well not like, super-shit, but like, I'm too old to watch this. It just did not amuse me at all. Anyway, I got zero sleep out of all that, and watched a lot of movies I would've otherwise paid to see at a cinema. Out of the 4 I'd definitely not-regret paying to see Les Mis, Warm Bodies I would've considered a good time, but everything else would've just been me having too much money to waste.

Tsk, back to the present. Still waiting for my flight to arrive despite all the rambling I've done. As soon as I stepped off my plane I thought I was underwater. I was just deprived of oxygen, and the air was so heavy I thought I might float. Then I felt really hot so I took off my jumper, but having sat in the airport for ages, the aircon's made me cold and I've had to wear my jumper again...

And now my phone's out of battery after too much usage, and I've grown really tired of watching Naruto in Cantonese. It surprises me that Cantonese dubs of anime is actually surprisingly good. Like, compared to English dubs, which you'd rather mute and read the subtitles for, Cantonese dubs are like, close to the original thing.

It's too bad that I don't even enjoy Naruto. In fact, they're not even playing Naruto any more, they're playing some Taiwanese teen drama, still dubbed in Cantonese. Man I wish I understood more than random phrases of Cantonese.  It'd make this whole watching-TV thing far more enjoyable.

Now, the length of this post should make up for the fact that I haven't blogged in however many days. International flights are exciting. Airports--- especially the one in Hong Kong, are really really cool. Visiting airports and watching Warm Bodies has made me think: man, if I were a zombie I'd love to camp out at an airport too.

Monday, 1 July 2013


My parents are infuriating, even when they're a couple hundred kilometres away. Who the fuck calls 3 times a day, for 5min, 7min and 20min respectively? By the 3rd time I was just like, omfg, get the fuck out of my life. And here I am trying to not lose the game I'm playing, but they're on the phone jibber jabbering away, and I've got no idea wtf they're saying anyway. ARGH.

Well, maybe my frustration has something to do with the fact that we lost the game. And we lost hard. Then in the meanwhile there's just my phone going off in the background, and ARGH it pisses me off.

I guess it's fair enough that they're worried because I'm catching an international flight tomorrow, and it's my first time travelling alone, but GODDAMN NO ONE NEEDS TO BE CALLED 3 TIMES A DAY.

Alright, 4th. They just called again. Fuck my life.