Friday, 14 June 2013

Study Vacation Update III

I hate biology. Did I ever mention that? I don't think I did. I've hated it since year 8 science, where I got a B for the semester because I failed my biology test so goddamn hard. I could not remember the different kingdoms phylums whatever the fuck else there was and I just gave up on bio. Fast forward a little, I discover that I also hated physics but for some reason chemistry was alright. By now I've of course become disillusioned about the subject of chemistry, and I note that all this nomenclature is structure of chemicals is pure headache material. It's not that I don't see its importance, it's just something I never want to have to invest myself into.

So here I am, studying for the sake of job security, money and social prestige. If this doesn't amount to something in the end I will hate all my past decisions, because I do feel that I'm wasting the best years of my life on something I have very little interest in. I wish I had more shits to give about anatomy of the upper and lower limbs or liver metabolism; I really do. However, the truth remains that my entire course bores me except for the 2 weeks where we studied the brain, but even then I can't remember shit. It's funny because we looked at dementia (specifically Alzheimer's) and I'm like, "I don't remember".

See, even my sense of humour is wearing thin.

I just want to have my exams now. This study break is torturous.

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