Friday, 15 April 2016

An Elaborate Rant of Mine

Sometimes people, within the confines of their limited, uneducated mind, falsely believe that they can tell you how to live your life. They mistake your choices for theirs, they preach that your decisions are immoral, weighed by a scale that they should be keeping for their private affairs. Quick to condemn, hasty to judge, without pausing to think, "wait, but what does this have to do with me?" Then they tirelessly push their own agendas onto you, sometimes without understanding the very evidence they quote, without understanding their opposition to your being, and they will continue to scrutinize every aspect of your life like it was their birthright.

For love is a sin, and by loving we are all sinners in His eyes. However, not all love were made equal, according to our prosecutors, for their love is greater than ours, and righteous, and ordered by nature, as if "natural" was synonymous with "good" and "order". And you silently stand there, not wishing to offend, for you cannot throw away your own civility now, when they have just thrown away theirs. After all, you did not suffer learning the delicate etiquette of modern human society, only to sink back onto the level of a pig-man in the dark ages.

We still live in an era, where reproduction is the only significance to our existence. That we should have offspring, and make sure our offspring have offspring, and the meaning of life is to branch our genetic pedigree, nothing more. Rabbits could do much the same, with greater efficacy than the human race can control; rats could breed without the social delicacy of "getting to know your partner" and "family planning". We treat women as if they were nothing more than child-birthing-machines, that fertility is their only value in this world, that they should be begging to carry our child in their bellies so that they have worth and identity. We tell women, "this is what you want", without considering the absurdity in telling someone what they like and do not like.

As we push to challenge the status quo, we are met with opposition who inspires a sense of hopelessness in us all. From the small child who imitates the coarse language of his parents, to the young lady who preaches our existence is a sin, to the violent man who beats his fifteen-year-old wife as she whispers, "this is my duty".

And this is the world we live in. This is what we are hoping to change. Because, for the most of us, we know- without the need for anyone to preach- that love is love. That we, despite not being Gods ourselves, have the ability to love. That we do not need to be told we live in sin, for as humans we are all less than perfect, but we endeavor to change for the better.  Our sins are for ourselves to judge, for when Judgment Day truly arrives we would have to backlog many millennia of grudges and hatred and persons wronged and injustices dealt- and our hurt is not soothed by knowing our enemies roast in the flames of an eternal hell, for a scar remains forever, and no amount of pain dealt to another will reverse what was done to you.

All that remains is to sail on against the tides of opposition- though it is unrealistic to expect the seas to part for us all, perhaps one day we can make it to shore without any casualties.

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