Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Permanent 30 Degrees

Everyday has just been too hot- I can't get to sleep at night because of the rising temperatures. You probably wouldn't believe it, but I've been sleeping at around 10-11 for a while now, and when the clock hits midnight, I become very, very tired. In fact, I'm very, very tired now. According to my phone the current temperature is only 25 degrees Celsius- but I swear it's fucking lying too me. It does not feel any cooler compared to 5 hours ago- or 5 hours before that.

There are a million little bugs crawling on my laptop screen- I guess that just shows my spider-killing-spray has been quite effective. Sometimes I wonder whether I'd prefer spiders over these shitty little bugs. The answer is probably no- but these bugs are starting to annoy the fuck out of me. At least the spiders knew to stay in the window sill- these bugs really know no limits (but I guess what really happened was that I never opened my window while the spiders were around). It's not like the spiders are completely eradicated- there's a few crawling about somewhere- but they are no longer the size of a marble so they bother me a lot less.

I've been getting less shifts at work- just as my sister starts school and I can finally work more shifts. It really is frustrating- but I know it's because the Christmas period is well and truly over, and we are really not very busy at all. Never mind, I guess--- I'll be going back to school soon...if I can find a house. Goddamn that shit is so stressful- idk how people manage to find houses in another city, when they can't even inspect the goddamn property. Then when I get to school I'll have to prepare and study really hard for the year so I don't fuck my life over.

High temperatures really do stress me out.

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