Sunday, 24 March 2013

Slow Deterioration

It's not like classes have gotten any harder lately, but I'm starting to feel work being piled on. Nothing major, but there are so many little things that I need to get sorted, it's really annoying me. You'd think by this stage I would've learnt how to keep my shit together, but truth is I'm only barely keeping up. There's a whole lot of crap I don't really understand, or I understand for the flicker of a moment and then it's kind of lost somewhere. I've been letting it go because I can revise it "later", but truth is "later" probably means the night before the exam, and I am not sure whether I can cram so much in.

The mundane chores are wearing me down, though at this stage it's still sort of okay. I don't know. I just wake up and feel my life-force draining away from me. Probably has something to do with the fact that I currently have an extremely sore throat that will quite possibly reveal itself to be a cold. Having studied lately about the importance of infection control, I would feel tremendously guilty if I went to class and infected everyone. Though missing class altogether doesn't seem like the best idea.

I wish my body would stop reacting this way to the invasion of a virus/bacteria/whatever. I mean sure, by all means, get rid of it, but why the whole sore throat, blocked nose and head ache thing. I'm a busy person with a busy life, dammit.

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