Tuesday, 19 May 2015

The Almost-Exam-Procrastination

It's upsetting when you come back to your blog and realize your last post was about how bad you are at managing diet and nutrition. I say this because I just drank a can of Pepsi and ate 3 profiteroles.

I've been feeling sleep deprived since Monday... and to be honest I have no recollection of what I did on Sunday. I think I slept really late for whatever reason, but had to make an 8am lecture. Then I decided to go practice some stuff for my practical exams, and felt exhausted Monday evening. Actually today's on Tuesday... but it feels like Wednesday to me. I don't think my memory is fantastic right now. I was at uni til 9pm last night. When I finally got out of bed at quarter to 11 this morning I still felt sleepy. I couldn't stop yawning in our afternoon lecture.

Since then I've basically sat on my computer and browsed Reddit. I watched the latest GoT episode yesterday and felt pretty traumatized. If you don't wanna get spoilerino'd you probably stop reading now.

Basically GoT is into its 6th episode of the season, and I feel like the story line has progressed very little. I've always disliked the Stark story line and felt that whatever happened in King's Landing was way more interesting. I think King's Landing battles are the only highlights of the show for me most of the time- and it was the only redeeming feature of last night's episode. Some weirdo-cheesy stuff happens in Dorne, none of which I care for. What was kind of horrific at the last scene though, was when Sansa Stark got raped on her wedding night by Ramsay Bolton, while he made Reek (ex-Theon) watch. Some of the book-readers have told me that what happens in the book is way worse; apparently Ramsay has Reek "prepare the bride" by having him perform cunnilingus, and then his dogs rape his bride. Then again Sansa doesn't actually marry Bolton in the books- but that doesn't really redeem anything, does it?

Anyway it was great acting by Alfie Allen, apparently looking at his traumatized expression made it all the more traumatic for me, personally. I guess my empathy is still pretty intact, and when I look at someone in that much distress I feel pretty distressed as well. In summary, totally traumatic scene, traumatic episode, traumatic show... I won't stop complaining about how everything I ever watch is just getting too- real for me.

Ah I finished watching FMA Brotherhood a while ago? Did I mention that already? I probably have. Still not as good as Code Geass. At least that had a happy ending where everything worked out. That's sort of what I want in my shows though- main characters survive and they're not like... psychologically scarred too badly?

I still remember back in February, when I watched Shawshank Redemption for the first time- it was actually such a brilliant movie. I saw it had high ratings on IMDB and wanted to catch up on a bit of culture. Anyway, I was sooooo surprised by the ending. The bad guy dies, the main character and his friend make it to the end, they live rich lives and it's a happily-ever-after sort of vibe. I felt kind of sad that I was surprised by a happy ending- it's like, "woah I've become so scarred and jaded that I only expect tragedy?" I don't like being called naieve but sometimes I think I do prefer to live in a happy world where the worst thing that can happen is getting rejected by a crush or having it rain on your picnic day.

I guess what I'm essentially saying is, I only want to deal with first world problems in my life, and maybe knowing about the world in general would make me a better person, but if I could be a spoiled brat I'd go for that instead. I want to blog about how Apple products have a longer battery life but they totally suck in terms of functionality, I wanted to talk about how my converse sneakers are getting dirty but I can't be bothered to wash them, and how I want to buy the new Samsung Galaxy S6 but I won't have the money until after June, and then I might be tempted by a different phone.

Now that I think about it- life is actually pretty simple if you do nothing but study all day, and the worst thing in your life is the fact that exams are coming up in 2 weeks. I AM living the high life, aren't I?

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