Saturday, 31 May 2014


Lalalala it's that time of the year again where I realize how screwed I am. I still haven't finished that bloody assignment which I was supposed to have finished like a month ago, and I haven't even thought about revision. Life is terrible, death is terrible, being a zombie is worse still. I don't even know what I'm doing any more.

I feel like I'm at the point where I'm willing to pray to any and all of the Gods out there if it means I'll pass my exam. I might even be willing to sacrifice baby lambs if it means I don't have to kill them myself. I mean, I could eat a baby lamb. I get pretty hungry sometimes.

So I'm going through my textbook without actually taking anything in. I'm like, reading, but it's not registering in my mind for whatever reason. Maybe it's because my attention span is too short and I can't actually focus on anything any more. I'm like looking at practice questions for the test and being all "wtf we didn't learn this", and reading up notes on a chest exam and thinking "I don't think I'll remember all these steps". Also, doing physical examinations on people can be super-awkward, would you believe it. As it turns out, I don't like touching people and people don't like being touched. We're just not a very touchy-feely society- which overall is a good thing but GODDAMN I'M GOING TO BOMB MY PHYSICALS.

I can't wait til I finish my exams and feel de-stressed again.

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