Saturday, 7 October 2017

More Dates

You'd think it was unwise for me to start dating immediately after dumping someone- but I can't fucking stand my loneliness. I should have been finishing my last assignment of the year, studying for my last exam, or simply reading another book to improve myself. Instead I decided to see someone and get myself tangled once more.

It was a nice day we spent at the gallery. Good company, I'd say. Definitely had fun. Not what I wanted though. I sensed their anxiety from the get-go. Cute, someone's anxious about seeing me. They're again, worried about what I might think of them. I enjoy that. I enjoy having my opinion matter so much... but I'm attracted to arrogance. Not even confidence, arrogance. Didn't feel a shred of that with this person.

I looked at some expensive artwork, and I boldly proclaimed that "I could do better". Actually I probably could, but I'm not sure anyone would buy it for several thousands of dollars. It was intended as a bit of a joke though- my date didn't laugh. They just nodded and said, "I'm terrible at art". I found the same pattern of humility repeated over multiple conversations. Then bam, it hits me, my overwhelming sense of superiority once again. I heard the voice in my head saying, "you think you're better. You feel like you're better. You can do better, and you deserve better".

And that voice was all I heard for the rest of the day.

I felt hollow and empty once again, on my train ride home. What was it that I was looking for? WHO am I looking for? Why the fuck do I keep telling myself I can do "better"??? What the fuck is "better"? Money? Looks? A brilliant mind? And why would someone with all those things want to be with someone like me? I must be reaching delusional levels of self-worth, if I am finding all these people unsatisfactory.

How do you search for something, when you don't even know what you're searching for? All I'm doing is rejecting every option I've been presented, and I'm at the point where I can't even give valid reasons any more. This time I won't complain about their hair, their face, the way they dress, the way they talk, or whatever it was I complained about last time. I just felt, "no, you're not what I'm looking for either, though you are an improvement over the last guy".

I should just go work on my assignment. Maybe it's "better" for me to be alone.

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