Sunday, 9 July 2017

Happy July

I'm graduating in a couple of months, and my trepidation grows every single day. I feel like the first day I am thrown out into the working world, I will be exposed as the world's biggest fraud, and every single exam I had passed was just a continuous fluke. People just seem to have so much faith in me, but everyday I'm there and I'm like "idk wtf I'm doing, let's just wing this".

This kind of confession is totally uninspiring, isn't it?

My friend tells me I'm suffering from imposter syndrome; I don't really agree with him but I won't admit to anyone else that I think I'm bad at what I do. My rationale is, even if objectively I'm shit at my job, I'm still the only person available to do this job at this moment, therefore I'm relevant.

Anyway, I found out I passed another round of exams 2 days ago. I didn't even celebrate or feel happy like I usually do... I think for once I expected to pass, and I had so much work I just forgot about it. This is also the first year that I've forgotten about my own birthday. I don't know if it's part of growing up; maybe it's time I found someone who remembers my birthdays for me.

Welp, happy July.